Pocketful of Mojo
Pocketful of Mojo
From Autopilot to Authentic Living
Unlock the secrets to revitalizing your mojo and transforming your life with intention and purpose. What if your daily decisions could directly align with your deepest desires and personal goals? This episode promises to guide you through the art of conscious choice-making, moving away from the routine of autopilot living. Explore how intentional decision-making can bridge the gap between your dreams and your current reality. Through personal stories and practical insights, we’ll reveal how to commit to a path that resonates with your true self, sparking unstoppable confidence and self-worth.
Join me, Steph, as we navigate the complexities of life's inevitable changes and the feeling of being stuck in a rut. Discover the difference between micro and macro ruts and learn how to pivot without turning your world upside down. This episode encourages reflection on whether the path you're on is truly yours or shaped by external forces. Embrace change, however daunting, as a gateway to personal growth and fulfillment. By balancing routine with exploration, you'll unlock the flexibility of life's structure, honor your unique talents, and experience life's richness. Get ready for an inspiring journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
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Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/
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Welcome to Pocketful of Mojo, where you're, you and I'm Steph, and we tune in here to tap into some mojo. And if you're new here and asking what's mojo, well, mojo is that feeling of unstoppable confidence, that booming self-worth. Like you're an unstoppable force of nature. You know, when you're walking down the street and you got that strut and you get the parking space right in front of the building and all the good ideas are firing nonstop. Well, I'm here to show you how you can have that feeling every single day. You see, I think I've cracked the code to being happy. I'm happy all the freaking time every day, at least most of the day, possibly to an annoying degree. But hey, I wasn't always this way. And not to flex, but I have had multiple breakdowns on multiple continents and in two languages. Look, three years ago my whole life was a dumpster fire and today I'm better than I've ever been. How's that? Well, by paying attention and by living with more intention. And I've created the Self-Love First Aid Kit, and it's full of amazing tools that help me level up and navigate life with that main character energy. And I'm not here to gatekeep. In fact, I'm on a mission to help you tap into your best stuff and remember that you have everything you need to live your life on your own terms. So settle in. We're here for some positive change. So let's dig in to where your mojo meets the road. In today's episode, I'm going to review our mantra for the week and then we're going to dig into today's main topic, and that topic is breaking up with the rinse and repeat of life, how to keep life fresh and fun and how to avoid the dreaded ruts that keep us from squeezing the most and the best out of life. So you stick around, and I'm going to make sure that you're glad that you did. Let's get started with today's mantra and get tuned in.
Speaker 1:Tapped hello and welcome to the 41st episode of Pocketful of Mojo. Once again, I'm Steph. I'm your Mojo Maven, your emotional Sherpa, and I'm so glad you're here. Am I a therapist? No, do I have a degree in psychology? No, I'm a flawed human and a recovering people pleaser who's just figured out how to tap into our best stuff. We're literally born with everything we need. So I'm here to reflect your awesomeness back to you and hook you up with some inspiration and motivation to live the life you love, and love the life you live you in.
Speaker 1:Let's start by digging in today's mantra. And today's mantra is I make decisions that align with my commitment to live a happier life. Shablam, better happier life, anyone. Okay, come on, let's dig in and unpack this one together, shall we? I make decisions that align with my commitment to live a happier life. So, right out of the gate, we are once again empowered by this mantra to remember that we are in the driver's seat in our lives and we are given a brain and empowered to use it to make decisions. These are conscious choices that are well, hopefully, in alignment with our goals and our desires and our values.
Speaker 1:Sometimes, when we're living in the rinse and repeat of life, we can start to drift away from the ownership that comes with our choices and our decisions. We kind of forget that we're in charge and we can change our minds at any time. You decide, you're in charge. When we make decisions thoughtlessly or by habit, we can inadvertently start to create distance between the life that we want and the one that we're actually living. I make decisions that align with my commitment to live a happier life.
Speaker 1:Living in alignment Well, what does that even mean? Well, alignment is when two things line up with each other. So to live in alignment, we have to first know what we are trying to line up with. You have to do the work of defining and describing what your goals and desires actually are. Sounds simple enough, but when was the last time you actually sat down with yourself and defined what that looks like? Looks like? If it's been a minute, then there's a risk that the life that you're living may be in alignment with someone that you no longer share hopes and dreams, with a former version of yourself that maybe, since then, you've outgrown those dreams and those desires, but your life and daily decisions haven't made the upgrade. This could be very simply the cause of any missing mojo in your life, and if that's the case, it's never too late to breathe and reboot.
Speaker 1:I make decisions that align with my commitment to live a happier life Commitment.
Speaker 1:What are you committed to?
Speaker 1:Do? You want to live a happier life? What agreements have you made with yourself in terms of how you want your life to look? Your life may or may not look like the life you dreamed of, but how committed are you to building the road to that life? Well, good news, magoo. No permission needed. It starts with you. It starts with defining your dreams and really being able to put your finger on how badly you want it. When you know why you're making the decisions that you are, it makes it easier to find and harness the motivation you need to get where you want to go. And even cooler is that if what you've committed to isn't working, you can check and adjust anytime you want, every day if you want, until it feels right.
Speaker 1:If that's what it takes, I make decisions that align with my commitment to live a happier life. I chose this mantra to remind you that, however you got here, there you are, and if there's even the slightest adjustment that you can make to live a happier life, I want you to feel empowered and inspired to make that choice. To start small and to stay committed every day and consciously make decisions that align with your goals and your desires, with your happiness, with your wellness, with your responsibility to own and contribute to having the happiest, most fulfilling life that you can possibly muster, just one day at a time. And when happiness is a towering value and you consciously commit to it and make the shift from wishing and hoping to the empowered place of choosing your own adventure, you will begin to see a shift in your life where your choices and commitments shows up as a life that reflects back to you what matters most, what makes you happy, and when you do that, there's no room for things to hold you back or dim your shine. Now, sparkle, baby Sparkle. I make decisions that align with my commitment to live a happier life. Now, that's what I call a mantra.
Speaker 1:With today's main topic keeping the focus on how to break up the rinse and repeat of life, there's definitely a way for you to begin to lay down the tracks towards a life that is way more in alignment with the person that you want to become from where you are now. Very rarely in life do we get a little tap on the shoulder to slow down, reflect and realign our lives, and I just hope that this podcast episode acts as a call to action for you to pause your life for a moment and connect with where you are and with where you want to go. So, to go deeper on this idea of being the captain of your own ship, we're going to take it back to the streets where I walk around, and I can riff a little bit on the idea of getting off of autopilot, on the idea of getting off of autopilot. So, without further ado, let's go deep on the idea of writing your own story on this very special are doing mojo on the go. One last time. Maybe one last time I think I might squeeze one more out, because I leave on Friday. So I feel like maybe producing a podcast the day before I leave might be cutting it a bit then. So, because we are in the rinse and repeat of things.
Speaker 1:So if you've been listening to some last episodes, you know that my life has been literally anything but rinse and repeat. But that's what we're going to dig into today. We're going to talk about how does it feel when you're stuck and how we got there, how to get out of it, how to see the bigger picture, how to maybe put it under the magnifying glass and look at how it shows up in our day-to-day life, because it really takes, I think, both perspectives. I mean there's micro ruts and then there's macro ruts, and one of the things that a fellow coach said to me once is that you know you can make positive changes in your life without blowing up your life. And that just really resonated with me, because I know that I've certainly blown up my life more than once, and all for really good reasons.
Speaker 1:But that's not the prescription for everyone, because, at the end of the day, it's the relationship that we have with ourselves that's going to be the direct indicator of our ability to really tune in to what we want. Where are we going? What really matters? We can go a really long time without asking ourselves these questions and just kind of keep rolling on with the assumptions that we feel the way we've always felt. So we're going to do the things we've always done, and maybe that's okay. Maybe that means that you've cracked your own code and you figured it all out and you've got the recipe for what makes you happy, and that's awesome.
Speaker 1:But there are some of us who can end up trying to cling so hard to the comfort and the familiar that we end up stuck, we end up in a rut and we end up outgrowing the things that once upon a time we really did want for ourselves, because no one grows up thinking I want to grow up and live on a hamster wheel At least. I think that's probably rather rare. But then we get to this adult stage where there's this impression that we have to have it all figured out by a certain time, or that the decisions that we made 10, 15, 20 years ago are the ones that we're stuck with for the rest of our life. And I'm here to say that's just not fucking true. When my life did blow up and I went back and started from scratch and spent the time with the sadness and the grieving and the sorrow and the depression and the feeling of being lost, that did pass. This, too shall pass. One of my favorite sayings Well, it did, and I outgrew that stage. I outgrew that feeling.
Speaker 1:So when I didn't know where to start, I figured that maybe nobody was looking and maybe I could start with just doing whatever I want. And, as it turns out, no one's come to stop me yet. And so when I was talking to somebody and I had introduced myself to their friend and they asked me what I did, I was like well, I recently promoted myself to being the president of doing whatever I want. And it got a really good laugh, which made me feel great, of course, because there's no such thing as feeling ready. Sometimes you just gotta start. And so when I said president of doing whatever I want, that want meant that I had to be constantly tuned in to what my wants and needs and desires really were, and that was its own bag of work. But it can kind of make your head spin, because once upon a time we had plans. Once upon a time we had written the story of how we wanted our life to go. And where my story shakes things up is because it didn't go the way I thought it was going to.
Speaker 1:Things change. They always will. So the question becomes do we change the way we live in accordance with the change of plans? Because that's often where we find resistance is if we're trying to put the square peg in a round hole. The plans have changed, but we haven't, or we've changed and the daily day routine hasn't.
Speaker 1:And I want to be careful because there's a relationship between routines and reps and I think you know there's a lot of different ways you can slice it. I think a routine done too many times, or a routine done without intention, or a routine that's done without tuning in and tapping into what's really important in that day, in that moment and as well as on the grander scale, it's not the right routine or it's not the moment for that routine. And I think a routine can turn into a rut when we're doing it for the sake of doing it. You know, if you're going on your stupid mental health walk because it's supposed to be good for me, well it's not going to be good for you. Because you just called it a stupid mental health walk, you've already decided that it's not going to do anything for you. So you need to do something else for your mental health, and that's okay, because there's no. That doesn't mean that we were wrong before. It just means that the conditions have changed.
Speaker 1:And I think our ego flares up a little bit when we go to change our minds, because that means that we have failed or that we means that we did something wrong. But what if it didn't mean that at all? What if it just meant that we're now acting with new awareness? We're taking decisions based on new information, a new set of feelings. So you can definitely leverage routines to stay out of the rut. Give yourself seasonal check-ins to make sure that your goals are still aligned with what you actually want. Or are you just going through the motions to get to the goals? You can say that you did the goal. That's not going to reward you. It's not going to reward you. It's not going to fulfill you and it's going to take extra motivation and that dirty dirty discipline instead of going through it with joy and passion and alignment, because it's something that you want.
Speaker 1:So this reminds me of when I was working at the pub and there was lots of students and they would be. So what was me about? Their life and being a young adult is so hard and managing their money and doing laundry and going out for drinks and then having to go to school the next day. School was getting in the way of all this other life stuff and as they told the story of their life, the school was just like this villain character in their life, and at first it really frustrated me, because school is a, it's an honor, it's a gift, it's a privilege, it should excite you, and so I would try to ask questions and get them back to. Well, what are you taking in school? Oh, what made you want to take that? Where do you see yourself? How are you going to use this? And just start reminding them a little bit about the why and this is where I'm going to go a little bit more macro, because you know I see I saw this a lot with the students is that you know I'd want to ask them the question like are these goals your goals or is this just what you thought you were supposed to do?
Speaker 1:And that can be a really tough question to put, to ask yourself, because what if you are on the wrong track? Oh, now what? Well, the easy, short answer is you change your mind and you change lanes, one small decision at a time. Change your mind and you change lanes, one small decision at a time. So, are your goals your goals or are they what you thought you should strive for? And that comes right back to what is your relationship like with yourself? Because if you haven't answered some of the big questions for yourself, you're going to look to the outside for the answers. And, as we've talked about before on the podcast, what works for someone else isn't necessarily what's going to work for you, but when someone from the outside that you respect and admire gives you some advice, it's going to sound sweet to the ears and you have the added bonus of not having to make the decision yourself. So there's two big tough questions Are you living your life or the life you thought you were supposed to live? And the second big question is are your goals your goals, or are your goals what you thought you were supposed to strive for? Knowing who you are is the fundamental basis for guiding your actions and your decisions, and this is where empowerment is key.
Speaker 1:The confidence comes later. If it feels scary, you're probably onto something. If it feels uncomfortable, keep pulling that thread until there's no sweater left and you've got the real, unadulterated truth about how you feel, about your routines, your goals, your vision of your life. Are you living it right now? And if you're not, that's great. That means that you've got dreams. That means that you've got a path that you can start to take. And yeah, this can feel scary.
Speaker 1:So you want to remember a few key things to help just give yourself some perspective, because when things get scary, we want to go back to where it's comfortable. We want to go back and just do the same job we've always done and park in the same place we've always parked and listen to the same music we've always listened to. There's comfort in that we've always listened to. There's comfort in that. So when you feel curious about what else life could be like if you stepped a little bit outside of your comfort zone, here's a few things you want to remember. Number one this is all made up, all of it. There has never been a today, with all the circumstances and people and events and weather that's happening today. We are all figuring this out as we go, every single one of us, and there are only two things that are certain in this life death and taxes. That's it. Everything else and in between, we get to curate, we get to develop, we get to paint the picture of what the day looks like.
Speaker 1:We get to choose our attitude. We get to choose the people we hang out with. We get to choose our jobs. We get to choose our attitude. We get to choose the people we hang out with. We get to choose our jobs. We get to choose our friends. We get to choose how we respond in situations. We get to choose how tuned in we are to the world around us so that we can see opportunities come and find us.
Speaker 1:We are on a big rock flying through space and our time on this earth is small and uncertain and as long as you're not hurting anybody or breaking any laws, you can change your mind and no one's going to come and tell you that you're doing it wrong and you can always know if it's the right thing to do, if it's good for you and does no harm. Look, it may not go the way you thought, but it will always get you closer to where you want to go. You will have learned something, you would have figured something out. You would have met someone that you wouldn't have met otherwise. Paying attention to what you love and what lights you up is always a clue of what you want and what you need more of, whether that's vegetables, reading a book, going on a walk or the people that you hang out with. And then, when you know this, you can do it more often, with the intention of being ready to go through the doors as they open up to you along the way.
Speaker 1:Really owning your life path takes courage and desire, and I believe that the fruit that comes from that tree of going on that adventure with yourself, that comes from that tree of going on that adventure with yourself, is really the reason that we're here. We're here to serve. We all have a magic's talent, we all have superpowers, and we're here to serve those. And while we're doing that, we're here to experience, which is why the rinse and repeat is so dangerous. It robs us of the amazing experiences that just make you tingle and make your stomach flutter and make you smile and laugh and cry. That's why we're here. The rinse and repeat will keep you safe and probably bored, but finding the balance between routine and rebellion is kind of what keeps life interesting and it keeps you growing into the person that you want to become, and who that person is is going to change and evolve.
Speaker 1:So it's time to study up what is important in your life and how can you do more of it. Then it's time to look at what's holding you back. What are the gaps between the life that you're living and the one that you're dreaming of, and how can you start moving in that direction. Again, you don't have to blow up your life. So the good news is is that you're in the driver's seat. More good news you were born with everything that you need. You don't need no more money. You don't need more time. You don't need no more money. You don't need more time. You just need to tune in to what's important to you, what lights you up, and let that guide the way, because if you don't ask the question, you'll never know the answer. Be brave, ask the question, sort through the answers, take your time and you'll know what to do when it feels right, not when you feel ready. That's all part of developing that relationship with yourself where you can move through life with confidence in your decisions, love in your heart and excitement for what's to come.
Speaker 1:And I share this with you as a humble nomad who's stumbled her way through a very, very passionate, filled life, and I've taken some big swings and I've made some big choices, because I went through and I did the work of tuning into what lights me up, what doesn't, and really trusting my instinct on where it wants to guide me. And the result of that has been some phenomenal people. I've got tribes on two continents of people who I love and respect and who've seen me at my worst and want to celebrate with me when I'm at my best, and those are things that are important to me. So what I can say for you is that maybe the nomad life isn't for you Probably not. But when you do the work of finding out what does light you up, what does set you on fire, you're going to have your own personalized map of how to take those steps to get more of that into your life, and with that it's almost five o'clock and I've got a date on the patio, so I will bid you au revoir.
Speaker 1:For now, keep life spicy, have fun out there and do something to say that you've never done before. Maybe go home from work a different way, or go into that shop you've never been into before, because surprising things happen when you surprise yourself. So have have fun with it. Go find some magic. Talk to you next time. Toodaloo Au revoir. And so, ladies and germs that was Pocketful of Mojo Road Trip Edition Tune in next week for the last French episode where we go international for one last time before I head back to Canada.
Speaker 1:That's right, we're going to come to you one last time from France, sharing all the good mojo with you, if I can find a spare moment between shoving my face with escargot and aperitifs, but seriously, thank you so much for tuning in and I hope this helped you tap into a little bit of that mojo of yours, because feeling good feels good right. And in the meantime, if you feel like your mojo could use a little tune-up, I've come up with a few ways that we can do this again sometime. So make sure you take a couple of minutes to subscribe to this podcast. And extra good juju, if you leave a review. You can follow me on Instagram at moststefinitely for daily mantras and affirmations to help your mojo stay with you on the daily. And you know I'm a recovering people pleaser, so hit those likes, make those comments and let me know what resonates with you and your mojo.
Speaker 1:Today's podcast episode is especially brought to you by Mojo Gummies, an all-natural mushroom-based Adderall alternative that helps with mental clarity, keeping laser focus and elevates your concentration in an all-natural way. It's vegan-friendly, they're super tasty, their customer service is phenomenal and, just for listening, I've got a 15% off coupon in the show notes. If you want to go check that out, look, you've met me at the very beginning of all things Mojo, and there is so much more on the way. All the cool links can easily be found in the show notes, so please go have a look. I mean you're here anyway. So until next time I want you to stay classy, stay kind and put love in everything you do. Until then, ciao. For now, bezoo Mwah.