Pocketful of Mojo

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

Steph Season 1 Episode 31

Do you want to transform your inner dialogue and elevate your life? Learn how positive self-talk can be your inner superpower in this episode of Pocketful of Mojo. We start with a mantra that sets the tone for the episode: "Self-talk is my inner superpower. I speak with love and watch my world transform." Discover how replacing negative scripts with empowering ones can foster a mindset of self-love and confidence, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life. We explore practical techniques for mindful awareness and intentional editing of our thoughts to help you shift from self-deprecation to self-empowerment.

Hear personal stories and valuable insights on how speaking kindly to yourself can attract positivity and opportunities into your life. You'll also get actionable advice on using affirmations and mindfulness to build a better relationship with yourself. Finally, don't miss our tips for maximizing your online resources and the exciting seven-day mojo makeover challenge. Tune in to unlock the secret to harnessing positive self-talk and watch your life transform.

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Music from #Uppbeat

Speaker 1:

welcome to pocket full of mojo, where you get to be you and I get to be stuff, and we tune in here to mean what's mojo? Mojo is that unshakable feeling of confidence, booming self-worth, like you're an unstoppable force of nature, and I'm here to show you how you can have that feeling every single day. You see, I think I've cracked the code to being happy. I'm happy all the freaking time, like every day, at least most of the day. You see, I think I've cracked the code to being happy. I'm happy all the freaking time, like every day, at least most of the day, possibly to an annoying degree, but hey, I wasn't always this way. And not to flex, but I've had breakdowns on multiple continents and in two languages. But by paying attention and living with more intention, I've created this self-love first aid kit, and it's full of amazing tools that help me out of life's most sticky and stressful situations, and I do so with grace and self-care, and I'm not here to gatekeep. In fact, I'm on a mission to help you tap into your best stuff and remember that you have everything you need to live your life on your own terms. So settle in. We're here for some positive change. So let's dig in to where your mojo meets the road. Joe meets the road.

Speaker 1:

In today's episode, I'm going to review our mantra for the week and then we're going to dig into today's main topic, which is self-talk. But, plot twist, we're taking it on the road and shaking things up once again, and this time with better audio. Thanks for hanging in there, folks. So you stick around, and I'm going to make sure that you're glad that you did. Let's get started with today's mantra and get tuned in, tapped in and turned on.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the 31st episode of Pocketful of Mojo. Once again, I'm Steph, I'm your Mojo Maven, I'm your soul sister, I'm your emotional Sherpa and man. I'm glad you're here. I'm here to reflect your awesome and your potential right back to you. So let's settle in. We're going to get started by digging into today's mantra, and today's mantra is self-talk is my inner superpower.

Speaker 1:

I speak with love and watch my world transform. Yes, my friends, you are the author of all that goes on inside your mind. It's time to put yourself back in that driver's seat when it comes to self-talk and turn up the awareness and the volume on the conversations that you have with yourself, because when you do, you will immediately start to see and feel a shift. Because the truth is is that, whether or not you think you can or you can't, you're right. Self-talk is my inner superpower. I speak with love and watch my world transform. The voice that you're going to hear the most over your entire lifetime is the voice inside your head, if it's not your number one cheerleader. Well, good news, that means that there's an open position and you get to create the perfect script for what goes on in there from now on.

Speaker 1:

So the good news here is that if you're struggling in the self-love department, there's hope. If you're struggling with confidence and empowerment, this is a key ingredient. If you're struggling with confidence and empowerment, this is a key ingredient. If you're constantly feeling like you're letting yourself down in one way or another, this is the antidote. You see, when things go wrong in, your immediate response is to shit talk yourself. You're affirming your role in things going wrong. Now, in reality, that may or may not be the case. Either way, you have options. You can affirm that you got what you deserved, or you can give yourself some grace and simply observe what happened and see it as a learning experience.

Speaker 1:

Self-talk is my inner superpower. I speak with love and watch my world transform. So, in addition to being the only author to your self-talk, you also get to be the editor a key part of the practice of creating healthier self-talk for yourself. With some mindfulness and some positive intent, you can actually catch yourself when you have a self-deprecating thought. You observe it and then you can politely ask it to fuck right off. You're now on a positivity and grace train where you treat your inner self with kindness and self-love and you can tell yourself exactly that. You can say hold up, I now treat myself with kindness and self-love, and trust me when I say that. No one's gonna call you on it, no one's gonna stop you and no one's gonna ask for evidence or proof of these new positive thoughts. So stick with it. You'll soon become quite enamored with this new voice that cheers you on. While it cheers you up, self-talk is my inner superpower. I speak with love and watch my world transform.

Speaker 1:

Your brain is a computer All day long. We feed it data, willingly and sometimes unwillingly, so we need to be mindful of what we feed it. Garbage in means garbage out. So if you're constantly shit-talking yourself and find plenty of evidence to support the nastiness happening in your life. Imagine how your life could look different if you flipped the script. If you speak to yourself in a way that puts you down, you stand a very good chance of having life's hardships highlighted as you go about your day to day. So by replacing that broken record with more loving, uplifting and supportive dialogue, you're going to be informing your thoughts and then your actions in a way that's more in tune with a life that is uplifting and supportive of the life you truly desire. Feeling good feels good, and in this life, where there's so much that's not in our control, it's so important to grab what is in our control by the reins and take ownership of where we want to go. Self-talk is my inner superpower. I speak with love and watch my world transform. That was a good one.

Speaker 1:

And now, without further ado, over to our correspondent on the road. Let's give a big, warm welcome to your Mojo Maven on the street, steph in the car. All right, we're gonna give this a try. Maybe does this work, maybe it doesn't work, we're gonna find out. Going from the other thing to the lapel mic. So we're gonna check it out. Oh, look at it, it's a beautiful day. I'm gonna put on some sunglasses. We're gonna try this again, ladies and gentlemen. We're gonna try it with less rattling, because last week oh my god boy, are you guys ever troopers for hanging out with me and doing that? Because that wasn't cute. I mean, the podcast was, but the audio quality was not. So I'm really glad you've decided to come along with me.

Speaker 1:

Today. I'm doing a little Sunday morning drive, so I don't know how much of this I've told you, but I'm a multi-passionate woman of many skills and since I promoted myself to president of doing whatever I want, you know, I still want to keep whiskey in the cupboard and you know, need gas, money and whatnot. So I do a few side hustles, so I do voice acting. I put myself on this app called Rover and if you're a pet owner, it's a must have, um, so I do dog sitting. Well, today I'm specifically doing cat sitting, um, and it's amazing because it I mean, it gives me the money, but it also gives me all the time freedom, and we like that. We like the time freedom, we like the flexibility, we like being president of doing whatever we want.

Speaker 1:

Now, our main topic today is the self-talk. The studio already informed you of that. I'm not spoiling any surprises here and I was thinking about it and like I was the first time I ever really thought about self-talk as something that was in my control. I was, I was with a friend of mine and we were chatting away and I said something self-deprecating I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something about like I think it was something physical, like I was making fun of my nose or something like, and she stopped me, like she was mad at me and she was like if anybody walked up to you right now and said that to your face, you'd want to punch them in the nose. And I was like, oh, you might be correct, but I'd never really thought about it that way of like.

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Why would I speak to myself in a way that I wouldn't tolerate other people speaking to me? Because I mean, I was raised on manners right. Like you, you speak nice, you speak kindly to other people, even if you don't like them. Like there's a way to speak to people. There's actually two ways to speak to people One that lifts them up and one that doesn't. And the same rule applies for ourselves. There's really nothing like the relationship that we have with ourselves, and that's what mojo is right, and if we can't get it right, the way that we speak to ourselves like this almost needs to be like step one stuff.

Speaker 1:

This came up the other day when I was on a date too. We were getting to know each other, and he just said, oh, and I've got the worst luck. And I was just like, oh, that's a thread I want to pull so badly because words have so much power. And well, I will take this back to self-talk. I mean, I mean, it all relates right once we surrender to the fact that words have power. I mean spells, remember witches, spells it's because words mean things, and when we spell something out, that means something. It carries a vibration, it carries an energy, it carries a force, and we are all forces of nature, so we need to know how to wield our power properly. So, yeah, so I'm going on a date with this guy and he declares that if he didn't have bad luck, he would have no luck at all. And I was like, oh, kiss death.

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Why would you affirm that about yourself? Because we can choose what we choose to believe or not believe about ourselves. And I'm sure this guy has anecdotal evidence that shows that he's had a string of bad luck. But why would you want to be right about that? Why would you want that to? Why would you want to affirm that as being part of how you see yourself, how the world sees you, how the world treats you and what happens to you in your life? Because I'm exactly the opposite. I walk around being like I'm the luckiest fucker alive. I get all the parking spots, I am a magnet for opportunities and people that help me level up the game right, like I'm so committed to this belief in this idea that we get to choose. And so when he said that, I was like oh man, what if we weren't like? What if that just wasn't a part of your identity? Would that be cool?

Speaker 1:

You feel like maybe breaking up with your bad luck, because that's a good idea, and I'm just like no, no, but seriously, I'm like you don't need to convince me, and as long as you're around me, please don't try to convince me, because I don't need your bad luck. And we could have a whole podcast about luck, never mind. Because you know, the harder you work, the luckier you get right. And this is why I start the day with affirmations. I take my best affirmations. I share them on my instagrams with you. And, yeah, sure, at first it feels like a lie or a cheat, or I don't have evidence of this and whatever.

Speaker 1:

Turn that voice down, because that voice is a jerk and just wants to spoil your fun, because there's no rule that says that you can't say an affirmation to yourself that you just believe to be true in that moment, or you're designing what you want your future truth to look like and you're just trying it on for size. We get to navigate. There are no rules. There is, as of this day in 2024, no thought police. So we need to take advantage of this, and that's my whole mission with mojo is to just we get like five seconds on this planet Earth and we're here to have experiences and we're here to give back, and what we're giving back recently in the world is not super great. It hasn't been lovely, lovely.

Speaker 1:

So the genesis for all this, all this mojo mayhem, has been like if we can start at the source, if we can start with how we treat ourselves, which starts with what we think, which leads to what we say to ourselves, we are going to be better humans when we go out into the world. We are going to be more prepared, more uplifted, vibrating higher, feeling our best and prepared to give our best, whereas if we are like, oh, I'm so fucking stupid, I can't believe I did that yesterday. Oh my god, how did I forget this and that? How am I not getting the promotion? Oh, it's because I'm probably a stupid loser and everyone around me is cooler than me. Like, you have no business thinking that about yourself, because it's not true. And while there may be evidence to support it, there's probably plenty of evidence to support the opposite.

Speaker 1:

Well, how do we get out of it? Awareness, really mindfulness, you know, at the top of the day, have some really yummy, awesome affirmations laid out for yourself, so you don't even have to think about it. Put them on like do the cliche, put them on your mirror, put them on the ceiling, so that's the first thing that you see when you wake up. So many geese, oh my God, those guys are so crazy. I feel like they're bullies and they're like taking over the streets. Oh, and it's almost fall. That means that they're going to get worse. Oh, those Cobra chickens are crazy. Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

So back to the self-talk. There's no other voice you're gonna hear more often than your own. So who do you want to spend time with? Who do you want to listen to? Do you want to listen to somebody who thinks you're a stupid piece of hot garbage? Uh, no, that person's a jerk. They can fuck right off the voice. Think of the voice in your head, the voice with which you speak to yourself. Think of it as this person that, when you were born, you were born with someone with you who sees you and loves you and only wants the best for you and is there to protect you and is there to open all the doors for you. That's the person that you're building a relationship with and you're going to spend every day of your life with them. So it better be a good one. Better be a good relationship, a healthy relationship, a loving, a gentle, a kind relationship where you have that cheerleader. You have that person who's like you know what. It doesn't really matter if you fucked up or you know, I remember, you know.

Speaker 1:

I remember the last big like self-talk crisis I had, and I hope she never listens to this, but I had forgotten my niece's birthday. I was a day late and a dollar short and the worst aunt in the whole world was what I was saying to myself, and it was actually my dad that caught me. And he's like take it easy on yourself. He's like look at all the things that you do for her in a year, you know, you take her to the mall and you bring her baking and you, you know you do this you've done. You know you show her love all year long. We'll find a way to, we'll find a way to celebrate a birthday. And I was totally right. Yes, yes, I did I mess up? Absolutely Do. I wish I had done better? Yes, and she knows that I love her.

Speaker 1:

And that was a chance for me to observe, give myself some grace and forgive myself. Right, not letting myself off the hook? Not? Well, I immediately just made up for it with my niece, the person I'm holding my feelings accountable to. And then you move on, then you let it go, and then it pops up every once in a while where I'm like, oh yeah, I don't want to do that again, because I don't want to feel like that again, which led to me talking to myself like that again. So it's these course corrections that come from the awareness and the mindfulness of how we speak to each other. Oh, this is why I turn Woo Danger. No, just kidding, no danger. I'm going to have a sip of coffee, though, and the coffee is too hot. I'm going to burn myself, and I won't let coffee do that to me.

Speaker 1:

So we've talked about self-talk. We talked about how we have the power. It is about consistency, but I really think that, with the awareness and the mindfulness, like when you catch yourself saying something ridiculous to yourself, just be like oh, I know, I'm better than that, or that's your cue to find something cute about yourself, you know, and offset that, that debit that you just took from your self-esteem. Right, you just took money out of the self-esteem account and so you have to make a deposit. You have to make it. Even you have to pay yourself back. Let that be like the constant little you know theme that goes on always. Make sure that you're in the black.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that's important when it comes to self-talk is check your posse. Who are you around? What are you listening to? Is music? Um? Who, in your frame, like, observe how your friends speak about themselves? Is it a positive influence? Um, and I'm not like. Maybe they need to listen to this podcast too. You can share with them. That's cool.

Speaker 1:

But I just mean, as a non-judgmental observation, right, um, to see what it looks like on someone else, because it's hard to see it on ourselves sometimes, because self-talk is a form of self-care. It doesn't matter how many spas you go to, how many lotions you have, how many nature walks take, if the whole time you're thinking to yourself, negative thoughts about yourself, because the road is going to rise to meet you where you're at, and if you see yourself as a queen or a king or just plain royalty, you get to expect that now from the world. You can set that as a boundary. You can observe how the world changes when you start being kinder to yourself. The world sees that Consciously or subconsciously Not unconsciously You're not sleeping. Well, some of the world is sleeping.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I did it again. I missed my turn. That's okay, I will park here. So we did it. We made it to the kitty cats, so I'm going to go give them some food, and this is what we're going to do.

Speaker 1:

We're going to dedicate this week to being more mindful and more attentive to our self-talk, because you know what it is. This is the bonus. I should have led with this. The headline here is that better.

Speaker 1:

Self-talk translates to confidence, to self-worth, to empowerment, which allows you to set some boundaries, which allows you to protect yourself and your time and your goals, which allows you to feel better. And when we feel better, we're happier. And when we're happier, we go out into the world and we shine our light. So I think that's a beautiful note to send it back to the studio. Peace out and that was pocket full of mojo. Road trip edition. Tune in next week to see if we do it again. But seriously, thank you so much for tuning in and I hope that this has helped you tap into some of that mojo of yours. You're worth it, baby, and now you've got the soundtrack in your head that knows that too.

Speaker 1:

Next week we're going to dig into daily routines. Is it friend or foe? So you're not going to want to miss it when you feel like your mojo could use a tune up. I've come up with a lot of ways that we could do this again sometime. If you like to read, I've got a weekly blog. Sign up today and you'll also get a weekly Mojo magazine. That will be the best thing in your inbox all week.

Speaker 1:

If Instagram is where you go for your inspo, you can also find me there as well. I got mantras, I got live connects and some insights that look you know just pretty. So you can find me at most, definitely. And finally, if you're an action taker, then the seven day mojo makeover is for you. You're going to want to grab it now, before prices go up. All these cool links are easily found in the show notes. Go have a look. You're here anyway. I've got so much great stuff to share with you guys, so make sure you tune in next week and until then, stay classy, stay kind. Ciao. For now, just needed a little bit of reboot.

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