Pocketful of Mojo

How To Invite More Into Your Life

April 04, 2024 Steph Season 1 Episode 11
How To Invite More Into Your Life
Pocketful of Mojo
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Pocketful of Mojo
How To Invite More Into Your Life
Apr 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 11

Shoot me a text! I’d love to hear what you think 😀

More Mojo Magic:

Discover the secrets to a richer life with a simple shift in mindset. I'm Steph, your guide to embracing the art of gratitude on Pocketful Emojo, where we explore how a thankful heart can attract more joy and fulfillment. This episode is your personal invitation to transform your everyday with a weekly mantra that's more than just words—it's the key to unlocking the abundance you've been seeking. We confront the energy-draining pitfalls of people-pleasing and pivot to a life of genuine contentment. The power to elevate your desires and dreams begins with a heartfelt 'thank you' for the blessings you already have.

Let's step into a world where gratitude isn't just an occasional guest at the dinner table, but the centerpiece of our daily lives. I'll walk you through practical strategies that weave appreciation into the very fabric of your routine, from gratitude rocks to walks in nature's embrace. It's about creating a resilient mindset, empowered to face life's hurdles with elegance and poise. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with tools to reclaim your time and chart a path toward a purpose-driven existence. So tune in, subscribe, and share the mojo of a grateful life with others, because together, we're on the journey to a more joyful, empowered you.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: KHSBVBWH9NFK8YD5

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Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

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Shoot me a text! I’d love to hear what you think 😀

More Mojo Magic:

Discover the secrets to a richer life with a simple shift in mindset. I'm Steph, your guide to embracing the art of gratitude on Pocketful Emojo, where we explore how a thankful heart can attract more joy and fulfillment. This episode is your personal invitation to transform your everyday with a weekly mantra that's more than just words—it's the key to unlocking the abundance you've been seeking. We confront the energy-draining pitfalls of people-pleasing and pivot to a life of genuine contentment. The power to elevate your desires and dreams begins with a heartfelt 'thank you' for the blessings you already have.

Let's step into a world where gratitude isn't just an occasional guest at the dinner table, but the centerpiece of our daily lives. I'll walk you through practical strategies that weave appreciation into the very fabric of your routine, from gratitude rocks to walks in nature's embrace. It's about creating a resilient mindset, empowered to face life's hurdles with elegance and poise. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with tools to reclaim your time and chart a path toward a purpose-driven existence. So tune in, subscribe, and share the mojo of a grateful life with others, because together, we're on the journey to a more joyful, empowered you.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: KHSBVBWH9NFK8YD5

Support the show

More Mojo: https://linktr.ee/moststephinately
Daily Mojo: https://www.instagram.com/most_stephinately/
Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Pocketful Emojo, where you're you and I'm Steph, and we tune in here to tap into some mojo. You see, I think I've cracked the code to being happy. I'm happy every single day, no jokes. Maybe not all day, every day, but I've built this tool shed full of amazing stuff to help me out of and avoid getting into life's most sticky and stressful situation, and I'm not here to gatekeep. So settle in, take some notes and welcome to where your mojo meets the road. Each and every episode you hear is made just for you and it's all about you and your mojo. And when was the last time you spent some time just on you? This episode is made with love and good intention to share with you some delicious nuggets of inspiration and insights to help you stay connected to your very best mojo. In today's episode, I'm going to review our mantra for the week and then we're going to dig into today's main topic, and that topic is my favorite toad and that's gratitude. And I know you've got a Gajillion podcast to choose from, so I'm super stoked that you're here. So you stick around and I'll make sure that you're glad you did. Let's get started with today's mantra and get tuned in, tapped in and turned on. Hello and welcome to the 11th episode of Pocket Full Emojo. And once again, I'm Steph, I'm your hostess and your mojo, maven, and I'm super pumped you're here. This is going to be a very empowering episode, so let's dig right in.

Speaker 1:

Today's mantra is I attract more of what I want by being grateful for what I already have? Oh, okay, this one is next level mojo master, so saddle up, here we go. I attract more of what I want by being grateful for what I already have. This mantra is vibrational. It leans into the idea that we are energetic beings having a human experience, and that is my thought. This mantra really underlines the universal truth that we attract what we put out there. I attract more of what I want by being grateful for what I already have. You know like energy can only be spent in one place at a time, so when you're focusing your thoughts and your energy on what you have, you can't also be spending that energy thinking about what you lack. This is the key to staying in alignment with what's on its way to you. I attract more of what I want by being grateful for what I already have, by acknowledging the abundance that you already have in your life and being grateful for it, you're really putting the welcome mat out for some more, and you're just as entitled to abundance as anyone, and that abundance lives in gratitude. So it's a pretty good place to visit. I attract more of what I want by being grateful for what I already have, like compliments, when you shoe them and you tell them to go away or you take them for granted, you'll notice that they stop showing up. So show the world that you are not only ready for more, but you know how to receive and accept more by taking care of what you already have. You ever hear the saying this is why we can't have nice things. Well, dig into that. I attract more of what I want by being grateful for what I already have. And you know what I'm grateful for. I'm grateful for you. Thanks for being here. Sweet listener Means a lot to me.

Speaker 1:

Now let's dig into our main topic. So I want you to picture this, if you will. You, you're always there for everyone else. You're bending over backwards, you're making miracles happen, you master the multitask and you do all this to make sure everyone else's needs are met. Meanwhile your own desires, your dreams, they're hanging out in the backseat under a blanket, with maybe some takeout wrappers and gas receipts. This sound familiar? Am I painting a picture for you? Well, fear not, because today we're going to flip the script and we're going to sprinkle a little bit of magic in your life and, believe it or not, it's based in gratitude.

Speaker 1:

So let's start by acknowledging some familiar pain points, with the people pleasing. It's tough, right? Constantly worrying about possibly disappointing other people, feeling anxious about not meeting expectations and all along knowing that you're neglecting your own well-being, your own self-care along with this process. So there's a lot to unpack there and there's a lot of mixed signals. No wonder you're exhausted. But guess what, my friend, you're not alone in this and you're welcome to try new things. So, just for kicks, stay with me on this one.

Speaker 1:

Let's take a minute to talk about gratitude. So gratitude is like a superpower, my friends. It's about appreciating the little things in life and the big things and finding joy in this present moment, this one right here, and acknowledging all the amazing blessings that are around you and they are there. So I'm going to challenge you now, and I'm sure you're sitting there listening, saying to yourself yeah, I've got a lot of things around me to be grateful for. But gratitude is a verb. Its superpowers are only activated when you are actively grateful. Being aware isn't enough. It's a start, but if you really want to see the needle move, it's about practicing gratitude. That's what all the Instagram posts say, don't they? And if I had a dollar for every gratitude post I see yes, including my own I'd be Oprah's next door neighbor. Okay, and because here's the key Gratitude is a feeling.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude is more than just saying thank you or acknowledging blessings. It's truly a mindset, a way of seeing the world, with appreciation and thankfulness for both the big and the small things in life. It's about recognizing the good, even in challenging situations, and finding joy in as many moments as you can collect. Gratitude is a feeling in your bones. It's a state of higher vibration when it starts to overwhelm you. That's how you know you're doing it right. I'm lucky enough to live a life that literally brings me to tears when I'm deep in gratitude practice. It's amazing how long the list of things to be grateful for becomes. The more you get to know yourself, the longer that list is.

Speaker 1:

So let's dig into some practical ways to practice gratitude. Let's get the most obvious one off the table. First Gratitude journaling. Now, I can't be the first one to recommend this to you. It's not a revolutionary concept, but you know why you see it everywhere Because it's effective. You know why you haven't started it yet Because you don't like journaling Me too. So if you're not into setting aside a few minutes each day to write down just three things that you're grateful for, then you can make it part of your daily commute.

Speaker 1:

Just say all the things that come into your mind that you can be grateful for while you listen to your favorite music. One time I turned on my voice recorder when I was doing a particularly enthusiastic gratitude practice one day and went off and had this huge list that just spilled out of me. And on the days that I need a boost or a reminder, I can simply pull up that audio and get back into my groove, and that can springboard you right back on track. And the good news is that there's no wrong answers. No one's gonna come and check your work and say this list is too long or this list isn't complete, because no one cares about your list, babe. But you have to. That is the point. They can be simple pleasures, like a meeting that went well, or a smile from a cute stranger, or a beautiful time that you spent with your friend. The act of writing them down it just helps reinforce that positive feeling associated with it so you can recognize it next time you see it. But in truth, there's no wrong way to practice.

Speaker 1:

The second way to practice gratitude is to express yourself, taking the time to express your gratitude to other people. One of my favorite things to do for this one is to send heartfelt thank you. Note, I'm old school that way and never underestimate the power of snail mail. Or you can simply give a sincere compliment and don't be afraid to quote Ted Lasso and say I appreciate you to someone who's made a difference in your life. One of the things I've decided to be known for amongst my friends is to tell them that I love them like an uncomfortable amount.

Speaker 1:

Tip number three would be to build a mindfulness practice. Now, be sure to check out the podcast episode on mindfulness, but you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine just by paying attention to the present moment and throwing an attitude of gratitude. Notice what's around you the sights, the sounds, the sensations. Take a moment to really appreciate them, see them, enjoy them like fully, fully, Don't stop until you're there, and you'll know.

Speaker 1:

Another way to practice, now that the weather is getting a little nicer, is take yourself on a little gratitude walk. It's like a regular walk, but this time you're just going to take a leisurely walk outdoors, which is much harder to achieve in a mall walking situation. But you do. You, and this time intentionally, focus on the beauty of nature. Just look around, quiet all the other things going on in your head, and just like notice the colors of the leaves, listen to the birds or feel the sun on your skin. And because it feels good to feel good and to feel grateful for the wonder that is nature, because it's really an incredible thing and it's hard to describe fully everything that comes back to you when you connect with nature that way. But really, the more you practice, the more you'll develop this relationship with these walks that will really fill your cup, clear your mind and get you to let go of that needless weight that you carry around in your mind and in your heart, and it just allows you to let go like nothing else.

Speaker 1:

And then for number five, we know that repetition works and this is the part where you start to build up your gratitude rituals. That's right. A gratitude ritual that works for you, whether it's saying a prayer or an acknowledgement of thanks before meals, or keeping a gratitude rock in your pocket to remind you to be thankful throughout the day, like every time you touch it, you think about something that you're grateful for. Or maybe you end each day by reflecting on just three good things that happen and jotting them down or just saying them to yourself in your head. Think about the people that you're grateful for. Think about how you rebounded from a situation that maybe a couple of weeks ago you would have spiraled a bit. Whatever it is, listen to the thoughts as they come up, observe them, acknowledge them and hold them close. And rounding out to number six, we're going zen and we're surrendering into a gratitude meditation.

Speaker 1:

For this one, you're going to want to practice a gratitude meditation by focusing on the things that you're grateful for and allowing yourself to fully experience the feelings of appreciation and thankfulness. So this is really taking all of those thoughts and feelings and distilling them down to these really concentrated, powerful feelings, and to do that, you're going to want to visualize each blessing in detail and really feel the gratitude as it goes through your whole body. Now there's some really amazing guided meditations on YouTube that you can find that they can really help you kind of sherpa those thoughts through the maze of navigating what focus meditation really is. But when you are able to do this, it really can have a huge impact on your ability to zero in on your gratitude in your way. So I challenge you to spend some time today shopping around YouTube for one that you might like. Start small with like a little 10 minute one, and then you can work your way up from there. But this is like going to the gym. You can't start with a 250 pound weight. You got to start small, do your reps and that muscle will grow.

Speaker 1:

By incorporating these practical ways to practice gratitude into your daily life, you can really create a mindset of appreciation and thankfulness. That's going to uplift your spirits, it's going to make you feel better overall and really enhance your relationship with yourself and with other people. And if you're worried about when you're going to do these things, like you're super busy, might I suggest maybe delegating something or dropping some things in your life that really aren't moving you forward and maybe there's something that could easily be done by somebody else and give yourself this time back. Maybe one less episode of Grey's Anatomy, whatever it is, or maybe someone else can fool laundry. Tonight You're busy and now you can be grateful for one more thing the fact that you're surrounded by people who support you and love you and want you to find your mojo. And we'll do your laundry. You'll be amazed at how liberating it feels to prioritize your own needs and desires. It feels strange at first, but it gets better.

Speaker 1:

Now let's shift the conversation to empowerment. Breaking free from the people-pleasing trap isn't easy, but guess what? You're stronger than you think. You have the power to rewrite your story, to set boundaries, to prioritize your well-being and to live a life filled with purpose and authenticity. Empowerment and gratitude are deeply intertwined, each reinforcing the other in a beautiful cycle of positivity and self-fulfillment. And here's how empowerment relates to gratitude. You get a shift in perspective.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude really empowers you by shifting your perspective from what you lack to what you have, instead of focusing on limitations and challenges. What gratitude does is it encourages you to really recognize there is abundance in your life and it gives you a sense of empowerment that's rooted in appreciation in the present moment and all the good stuff that's right there in front of you. It strengthens your resilience. Practicing gratitude cultivates resilience by helping you find gratitude even in difficult circumstances, when you're faced with a tough time, and you acknowledge the things that you're grateful for, it can give you a sense of strength and resilience and it'll empower you to overcome challenges with a positive mindset and not just powering through. You get a greater sense that you are strong and this is a battle you can win. And it encourages being proactive.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude empowers you to take proactive steps towards creating positive change in your life. When you acknowledge the blessings and opportunities around you, you really become inspired to take action and to pursue your goals and confidence. You have that mojo. That's what I'm talking about. You are the badass. We know this. It's just about being able to tap into it. Then you can go and do so, knowing that you have so much to be grateful for and that you're capable of achieving great things. And gratitude encourages self-reflection and introspection, and it empowers you to build a deeper understanding of yourself and your values.

Speaker 1:

As you express the gratitude for the people experiences, qualities that enrich your life, you gain a better idea of what truly matters to you, and this then empowers you to make choices that align with your sexy self and bring proper happiness. You know what else it does? It strengthens relationships Gratitude right, who knew it? Strengthens connections with other people. It gives you a sense of empowerment through the support and encouragement that you get from the people around you. By expressing gratitude for the people in your life and acknowledging their contributions, you really are building stronger bonds based on a mutual appreciation, a mutual respect, and you get that supportive network going that empowers you to thrive. Letting the people around you know why you love them goes a really long way. It also helps them know that they can show up for you and that they matter. You always want to keep the people that make you happy happy.

Speaker 1:

Overall, I think it's safe to say that gratitude is a powerful tool for empowerment. It helps you recognize your strengths, embrace your challenges with resilience and creative, positive mindset. That boosts you towards whatever it is that you're chasing. When you practice gratitude regularly, you have everything you need to really get that transformational power and use it to create a life your life that's filled with meaning and purpose, and be empowered to do so. What a thing to be grateful for. So, my lovely friends, let's wrap things up with a little reminder you are capable, you are worthy and you are deserving of all the love and happiness in the world.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for tuning in to today's episode of Pocketful Emojo. If you loved what you heard, make sure you subscribe, leave a review, share with your friends and check out my link tree in the show notes for all the empowering content. Be sure to tune into our next episode, where we get practical and learn how to take your time back and live life with more purpose and direction and less like you're trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon. More on that next time. So be sure to come back next week to find out more on our next episode. So until then, stay awesome, stay mindful and keep shining bright, and with that, I definitely wish you a magical day Peace, love and mojo.

Power of Gratitude in Daily Life
Practicing Gratitude and Empowerment
Embrace Purposeful Living With Pocketful Emojo