Pocketful of Mojo

Redefining Rejection for a Life of Resilience

March 07, 2024 Steph Season 1 Episode 7
Redefining Rejection for a Life of Resilience
Pocketful of Mojo
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Pocketful of Mojo
Redefining Rejection for a Life of Resilience
Mar 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7

Shoot me a text! Iā€™d love to hear what you think šŸ˜€

More Mojo Mastery:

Have you ever felt the sting of rejection and wondered if it could possibly serve a greater purpose in your personal journey? Let's embark on a heart-to-heart discussion as I, Steph, your Mojo Maven, reveal how those daunting "No's" can be the secret compass directing you towards something far better than you imagined. Together, we'll unwrap the layers of fear that often shroud rejection and discover how to dance with it instead of dodging it, turning what seems like setbacks into powerful pivots towards growth.

In our soul-stirring conversation, we'll redefine rejection, stripping it of its power to dictate our self-worth and instead, learning to see it as invaluable feedback. No guest needed in this episode, just real, raw stories and actionable insights that will equip you with the resilience to navigate life's redirections. By the end of our time together, you'll be celebrating your bravery and resilience, spotting the silver linings that make each challenge a stepping stone to radiance. So, join me and let's transform the narrative of rejection from a dreaded end to a promising beginning.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: VBXDOD0ZD3ZX3OWV

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Music from #Uppbeat

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Shoot me a text! Iā€™d love to hear what you think šŸ˜€

More Mojo Mastery:

Have you ever felt the sting of rejection and wondered if it could possibly serve a greater purpose in your personal journey? Let's embark on a heart-to-heart discussion as I, Steph, your Mojo Maven, reveal how those daunting "No's" can be the secret compass directing you towards something far better than you imagined. Together, we'll unwrap the layers of fear that often shroud rejection and discover how to dance with it instead of dodging it, turning what seems like setbacks into powerful pivots towards growth.

In our soul-stirring conversation, we'll redefine rejection, stripping it of its power to dictate our self-worth and instead, learning to see it as invaluable feedback. No guest needed in this episode, just real, raw stories and actionable insights that will equip you with the resilience to navigate life's redirections. By the end of our time together, you'll be celebrating your bravery and resilience, spotting the silver linings that make each challenge a stepping stone to radiance. So, join me and let's transform the narrative of rejection from a dreaded end to a promising beginning.

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: VBXDOD0ZD3ZX3OWV

Support the show

More Mojo: https://linktr.ee/moststephinately
Daily Mojo: https://www.instagram.com/most_stephinately/
Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

Speaker 1:

Welcome to your new favorite podcast Pocket Full of Mojo, where you're you and I'm Steph, and we tune in here to tap it to some mojo. You see, I think I've cracked the code to being happy. I'm happy every single day, no jokes, maybe not all day, every day, but I built a tool shed full of amazing stuff to help me out of and avoid getting into life sticky and stressful situations, and I'm not here to gatekeep. So settle in, take some notes and welcome to where your mojo meets the road. Each and every episode you hear is made with love and good intention to share with you some delicious nuggets of inspiration and insights, with some wit and wisdom to help you stay connected to your very best mojo. In today's episode, I'm going to review our mantra for the week and take a look at a topic that haunts most people pleasers Rejection. We're going to unpack what it is and learn how we can rebrand rejection so it becomes a fierce tool in our toolbox as we continue to deconstruct all the things that are holding us back. I know you've got a gazillion podcasts to choose from, so I am bursting with gratitude that you're here. So you stick around now and I'll make sure you're glad you did. Let's get started with today's mantra and get tuned in, tapped in and turned on.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the lucky seventh episode of Pocket Full of Mojo. I'm Steph, your hostess, and Mojo Maven, and I'm so glad you're here. It's going to be a fantastic episode, so let's get right to it. We're going to start by digging into today's mantra, and it is when I'm redirected, it's because there's something better for me. Ah, yes, the one for all the control freaks out there. Can I get an amen? Mm-hmm, when I'm redirected, it's because there's something better waiting for me. This one is fun because it plays with the idea that we are co-creating our lives with a force that's greater than us. There's an element of trust that's needed with this particular mantra, and it calls on us to trust not only ourselves, but to trust what we don't know. Now that can be a big leap. So we repeat when I am redirected, it's because there's something better for me.

Speaker 1:

Being redirected means that it can feel like we're off our path. This is where it comes in handy to give ourselves some grace. We know a lot, but we don't know everything, and we don't know what we don't know. That's why pencils have erasers. We make mistakes, but those lead us to learning. When I'm redirected, it's because there's something better for me. This can apply to a detour in traffic that allows us to take a scenic tour through a gorgeous neighborhood we've never seen before, or that blind date that didn't show because little did we know the next swipe would lead us to Mr or Mrs Right. Trusting that there is something better on its way is like a calming serum that keeps our mindset in check. When I am redirected, it's because there's something better for me.

Speaker 1:

Redirection, or even rejection, can signify that the universe has a more aligned path waiting for me, one that's better suited for my growth and gets me closer to my objective. It's a gentle reminder to trust in the path, embrace the detours and have faith that the universe is conspiring in my favor, always leading me towards a greater opportunity and more blessings. When I am redirected, it's because there's something better waiting for me. As much as we try our best, we sometimes act out of alignment with ourselves. It happens. I do it all the time. Sometimes this redirection acts as a nudge for us to get back on track and close that gap between where we are and where we're going, and use this redirection to get even closer to our goals. So, with practice, redirection can become a welcome event where we use it to turbo, boost our clarity and get back in touch with our purpose. When I am redirected it's because there's always something better waiting for me.

Speaker 1:

Now for our main topic. Today we're diving deep into the intricacies of rejection, that not so welcome visitor on the road to self-love and self-awareness. And let me guess you avoid rejection so hard that you even debated listening to this episode, am I right? Don't worry, it's okay. We're going to flip the script on rejection and unpack and unlearn all the things about rejection that have been holding us back Until now. So grab a cup of your favorite brew or something stronger, if this topic is a bit triggering for you, and settle in, because we're going to figure out what are the hidden gems behind rejection and how we can transform rejection into something that's actually useful. That's right. Today we're going to rebrand rejection. Let's kick things off by putting all our cards on the table. We're going to shed some light on the intricate dance, the loop-de-loops, the full-on apricrobatics that we perform, all just to avoid rejection.

Speaker 1:

If you're anything like I was, it's like a well-rehearsed routine, steering clear of risks, staying within our comfort zone and playing it safe, keeping the peace so busy working and worrying about other people that handling rejection just isn't on the menu. So we put on our cutest ostrich plumes and we put our head in the sand to steer clear from all that is rejection. But here's the kicker All the magic happens above ground, my friend, outside that cozy bubble, that place where we spend so much energy avoiding. And the slap after the kicker is that we end up getting in our own way. We're missing out on opportunities, growth and even answers. We're actually avoiding the chance to uncover our own true potential and we want the magic. So let's figure out how to slay the rejection monster and get what's ours. Let's dig in and rise above.

Speaker 1:

So let's get started with some tips and tricks to beat rejection at its own game. The first thing to do is to start by recognizing the avoidance patterns. The key here is to identify areas where you tend to play it safe and then take small steps to challenge yourself to step outside of that comfort zone. That's all it can take. For example, imagine you're an aspiring writer who dreams of publishing your first novel. However, deep down, you fear rejection from publishers or negative feedback from your readers. You haven't even told your bestie that you're writing it because you're scared of what they might think. They may think you're crazy. And then what? No-transcript.

Speaker 1:

And so, as a result, you constantly find excuses to delay starting your writing journey. You tell yourself you're too busy and there's work, or that you need more time to perfect your ideas before putting pen to paper, but in reality, these excuses are just a way for you to avoid the possibility of facing rejection by procrastinating and avoiding taking action. Your ego is trying to protect you from potential disappointment and hurt, and that's what we tell ourselves that comes with rejection. But notice how I said might. So, while you may feel safe in your comfort zone, it's a lie. The real tea is that you're also missing out on the opportunity to pursue your passion and share your stories with the world, and the world needs to hear your story. And that friend that you never told about your dream actually maybe knows an amazing publisher. But if we stay in that comfort zone, we'll never know what it feels like to be a New York Times bestseller Now will we?

Speaker 1:

So in this example, avoidance is used as a defense mechanism to escape that potential, but not probable rejection, and that rejection is just as possible as your success. Don't forget that part. Remember you've got choices. You can take action by confronting your fears head on, by taking the necessary steps to pursue your dreams no one's going to stop you. Or you can choose the path of least resistance. However, when you do that, you're also limiting your growth and your potential for success.

Speaker 1:

The next thing we want to do is lean into your vulnerability. You want me to what now? Line up to spend time in the most uncomfortable space that there is and be exposed and risk being rejected or misunderstood or ridiculed? Or yeah, I do. Yeah, that's exactly what I want you to do, because you know why. These are gold mines full of learnings, and when we choose to act with vulnerability, I want you to understand that vulnerability is not a weakness, it's a bridge. When you're genuine, so are the connections that you make.

Speaker 1:

So what if people you're closest to don't get the point? That's okay, you'll live, I promise, and despite what our inner saboteur is going to tell us, we will not shatter into a million pieces, never to be the same again, mm-mm. We're going to be stronger, more informed and, trust me, what they don't tell you is that vulnerability takes strength, and I don't need to tell you that. You're already strong, my friend. You have everything you need to make it to the other side of rejection and you'll come out stronger and more powerful, with more insight that will get you where you want to go. Now we're going to take a ride together on the rejection roller coaster. Ah, rejection, the twisty turny ride that leaves us feeling queasy.

Speaker 1:

But what if we could reframe rejection and look at it as more of a guide rather than a stumbling block or an obstacle? Let's look into how we handle rejection and the impact that it has on our mindset. So for the tips and tricks, part d, the first thing we want to do is separate our self-worth from rejection. Now you've got to understand that rejection is an event, not a definition of your worth. Separating self-worth from rejection is a really important aspect of keeping a healthy mindset and resilience in the face of setbacks. It involves recognizing that rejection is not a reflection of your inherent value or worth as a person. Instead, it's simply a part of life. It happens to everybody A temporary setback or redirection while you're on your way to your goals and your dreams. Once again, it happens every day, everywhere, to everyone, and we all survive. Here's a few reasons why it's so important to separate your self-worth from rejection.

Speaker 1:

Number one rejection is subjective. Rejection is often based on subjective criteria. It's influenced by personal preferences, opinions, moods, circumstances so many variables. Just because a person or even a whole organization rejects you, it doesn't mean that you lack talent or skill or worth. It simply means that you weren't the right fit for that particular situation or opportunity at that specific time. The next piece you need to remember is that everyone faces rejection.

Speaker 1:

Rejection is a universal experience. You are special, my friend, but your experience is not unique. Even the most successful individuals have found rejection at some point in their lives. Sorry, maybe even more so the successful people. It's a natural part of the human experience and it really doesn't take away your value as a person. Your worth is inherent. Your worth as a person does not depend on the external validation of other people. You don't need their approval. It's inherent, it's unconditional. You are worthy and whether or not someone rejects you or accepts you, your worth remains constant. Understanding this and really knowing this like in your bones, it can help maintain a sense of self-confidence, self-assurance, regardless of what they say on the outside.

Speaker 1:

Rejection does not define you. Why would you give it any kind of power? It's essential to remember that rejection is just one small part of your story. It doesn't define you or dictate your future. It's just an ingredient in the soup. How you respond to rejection and the lessons you learn from it are what really matter, and that'll be part of your secret sauce. By separating your self-worth from rejection, you empower yourself to bounce back stronger and continue to chase after those goals with resilience and determination. Now, that sounds more like the super you that you are Not the one who lets growth pass them by.

Speaker 1:

When we focus on growth and learning, we can hold back from seeing rejection as a personal failure and instead see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. When you use rejection as feedback and not as a terminal diagnosis, it's easier to access areas for improvement and refine your approach. We are all learning, darling. Every single one of us is making this up as we go along, so that helps us to remember that each rejection can possibly bring some valuable insights and aha moments that can help you evolve and progress. But you got to keep your eyes open, you got to be ready to learn, and then you'll be on your way to your biggest and most beautiful goals. Bottom line, sis, is that separating your super sexy self-worth from rejection is all about recognizing your value as a human being, no matter what the outside world says. We're all here to learn everything that we can. We are here to get better every damn day, and we want to extract the lessons and the insights from rejection so that we can fuel our personal growth, or professional growth or relationship growth, because where attention goes, energy flows.

Speaker 1:

So, if you're still with me, there's still a bit of mystery around rejection. So let's unravel that a bit, shall we? Because what is it really Rejection? Well, spoiler alert, it's not the end of the world. Hmm, contrary to what I used to think, rejection it's simply a redirection, a cosmic nudge steering you towards a better path. It's a message saying, hey, this is not your destination. There's something greater waiting for you. So if we embrace the idea that rejection is redirection, this simple yet effective shift in your mindset will help you to view rejection as a guide rather than a roadblock.

Speaker 1:

Remember, you don't necessarily choose the rejection, but you choose how you respond to it, what you do with it. Instead of fearing it, let's welcome it with open arms and see where it can take us. And when we focus on the bigger picture, we need to understand that rejection is the detour. It's leading you to a more fulfilling destination. Maybe that's why it doesn't feel so good right away. Now I'm not here to invalidate your feelings.

Speaker 1:

Rejection can come with a sting. Our egos take particular exception to rejection of any form, and the more we link our self-worth to the acceptance of the immediate environment around us, the more it can kick us off our path. So give yourself some grace, take a beat, feel the sting and acknowledge that it's a sign that this is the moment you choose to learn the lesson. This alone will help you get your head to a place where you can zoom out for a minute, see the bigger picture, take a breath and allow space in your head and in your heart to maybe see a new path ahead. Now we're almost ready to navigate rejection like a pro, so let's get down to the nitty-gritty. How do we navigate rejection like seasoned pros? It's all about foresight, resilience and a dash of mojo, mastery. Buckle up, because we're about to equip you with the tools to make rejection a springboard to success.

Speaker 1:

Three quick things you can do to help embrace rejection. The first give yourself permission to shift your mindset. Instead of viewing rejection as a setback, see it as an opportunity for growth. Every rejection is a chance to learn, adapt and become a little stronger, get a little better. Number two celebrate your courage. It takes courage to put yourself out there and even risk rejection. So if you've been rejected, celebrate it. It means that you were brave and you're still here, so you're resilient, regardless of the outcome, you gain something in the process. And the third thing you can do is find the silver lining. This is one of my superpowers. So even in the face of rejection, there is always a silver lining. Look for the lessons, look for the opportunity and the new paths that rejection can open up for you. They're there. You just got to look. So, to go from rejected to radiant, we're going to explore how rejection can transform us into a radiant being. When we approach rejection with an open heart and a growth mindset, we can emerge stronger, wiser and more resilient than before.

Speaker 1:

Now, the two key things you need to walk away with as you're tackling this rejection monster is to, first of all, celebrate your journey, really acknowledge your progress as you go through and celebrate the lessons that you've learned from rejection. Celebrate your ability to step away from the pain and really be able to observe the situation unemotionally, to glean all the good stuff that can come from that kind of feedback. And the next thing you need to do is cultivate that self-love. Keep watering that garden. Lean into the rejection as a part of your journey and love yourself through every twist and turn. Look how strong you are.

Speaker 1:

So, as we come to the end of today's main topic, let's take a moment to reflect on the power of rejection to shape our lives and transform us into the radiant beings that we are, because each rejection is really a stepping stone. It's a lesson, it's an opportunity. It's there for us to grow. So let's embrace our unique paths. Nobody else is you and nobody else is me. So we're going to celebrate our resilience.

Speaker 1:

We're going to keep shining bright as we navigate all the twists and turns that life has. They're going to happen. Challenges will find us, but now we can face our fears, flip the script and take rejection head on, because what do we know? We know we're going to be okay, we know we're going to be better and we know we're going to be stronger on the other side. And with that I'm going to leave you to go take on the world. But be sure to tune into the next episode, where we're going to turn all this fierce energy into fearless self-expression, tapping into what makes you you and challenging the confidence and audacity to share it with the world. But until next time, stay awesome, stay mindful, stay fabulous and keep shining bright. So with that, I definitely wish you a magical day Peace, love and mojo. Toodle-oo kangaroo Mwah.

Rebranding Rejection
Navigating Rejection With Resilience and Growth
The Power of Rejection