Pocketful of Mojo

The Art of Receiving

February 22, 2024 Steph Season 1 Episode 5
The Art of Receiving
Pocketful of Mojo
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Pocketful of Mojo
The Art of Receiving
Feb 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 5

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Have you ever received a compliment that made you squirm, or a gift that left you scrambling for a way to reciprocate? Let's uncover the beauty of simply saying 'thank you' and acknowledging our own worthiness. In our latest heart-to-heart, I, Steph, share my own revelations on how accepting acts of kindness transformed my life. We'll venture into the realm of gratitude together, embracing the mantra "The more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive." It's not just about saying thanks; it's about allowing ourselves to truly receive and recognizing the awesomeness within us that invites a continuous flow of positivity and greatness into our lives.

As we toast to the journeys of self-love and mindfulness, remember: embracing your worth and opening your heart is a marathon, not a sprint. This episode reaffirms the idea that everyone is deserving of love and capable of receiving it in full measure. We'll look ahead to the next installment, where we'll discuss the significance of living in the moment, and I'll leave you with a wish for peace, love, and joy. So, raise your glass to genuine connections, to self-compassion, and the art of receiving the abundance that life has to offer.

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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 2KCNDKUNWE45BHIO

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Music from #Uppbeat

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Shoot me a text! Iā€™d love to hear what you think šŸ˜€

Have you ever received a compliment that made you squirm, or a gift that left you scrambling for a way to reciprocate? Let's uncover the beauty of simply saying 'thank you' and acknowledging our own worthiness. In our latest heart-to-heart, I, Steph, share my own revelations on how accepting acts of kindness transformed my life. We'll venture into the realm of gratitude together, embracing the mantra "The more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive." It's not just about saying thanks; it's about allowing ourselves to truly receive and recognizing the awesomeness within us that invites a continuous flow of positivity and greatness into our lives.

As we toast to the journeys of self-love and mindfulness, remember: embracing your worth and opening your heart is a marathon, not a sprint. This episode reaffirms the idea that everyone is deserving of love and capable of receiving it in full measure. We'll look ahead to the next installment, where we'll discuss the significance of living in the moment, and I'll leave you with a wish for peace, love, and joy. So, raise your glass to genuine connections, to self-compassion, and the art of receiving the abundance that life has to offer.

More Mojo Magic:

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 2KCNDKUNWE45BHIO

Support the show

More Mojo: https://linktr.ee/moststephinately
Daily Mojo: https://www.instagram.com/most_stephinately/
Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Pocket Bull Emojo, where you're you and I'm Steph, and we tune in here to tap into some mojo.

Speaker 1:

Each and every episode you hear is made with love and good intention to share with you some delicious nuggets of inspiration and insights, with some wit and wisdom to help you stay connected to your very best mojo. In today's episode, we're going to dig into the Montre du Jure, reflect on how we can be a little bit kinder to ourselves and look into the idea that the more you receive, the more you receive, and no, that's not a stutter. We're going to dig into what's stopping us, what the consequences are to resisting life's gifts and how to get out of our own way. I know you've got a gazillion podcasts to choose from, so I'm super glad you're here. So you stick around and I'll make sure you're glad you did. Let's get started with today's mantra and get tuned in, tapped in and turned on. Hello and welcome to the fifth oh my gosh, fifth episode of Pocket Bull of Mojo. I'm Steph, I'm your hostess and mojo maven, and I'm so glad you're here. Can I already say that? Well, good, because I'm double grateful.

Speaker 1:

Now, without further ado, let's pull out today's mantra from my mantra generator and look at what will guide us through our day and our week. Drum roll, please. Today's mantra is the more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive. Ooh, good one. The more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive, mm. Where attention goes, energy follows my friends. Yes, what you put out there you get back. More of that's bad grammar, but in there there's some truth. Whoo, gratitude. It's that welcome mat for abundance and if you've got the door locked and the lights off, you are limiting the amount of wonder and awesome that is primed and ready to come and knock on your door. The more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive. Gratitude grounds us and it roots us in pleasure and high-vibing nature of receiving. It's a reflection of our worthiness and a total calibration and celebration of your ability to attract what you deserve. The more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive. Yes, abundance, mm. It's time to let go of that scarcity mindset Ooh, I lived with that for a long time and it's time to remind ourselves that there is more than enough for everyone. There is enough love, there is enough money, there is enough happiness, there is enough joy, there is enough peace, there is enough to go around and you are more than worthy of your fair share. It is time to open your arms and get ready to receive. The more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive. The act of being present and tapping into that joy and thankfulness that comes with receiving sets the sage for us to accept and love where and who we are and see that we can, as a result of our gratitude, attract and magnetize the great things that we want in our life. The more grateful I am, the more abundance I receive. So let this be your guiding star today and this week, while you focus on receiving all of life's gifts with grace and get more comfortable with the act of receiving.

Speaker 1:

I used to have a really hard time receiving compliments, actually, and I thought it just came off as humility, but little did I know I was blocking and resisting a lot of life's gifts from finding me. And once you make that shift and shine light on your worthiness through gratitude and let down some of those walls that are blocking you between you and your greatness, you will start to see a flow of things come into your life. And really this is a warning get ready, because you are worthy of so much darling that when you do this work, it's just like Christmas every day. So I want you to use this mantra to root yourself in gratitude. When you're listing all the great things in your life which is an amazing ritual I do right before I fall asleep I just start listing all the great things in my life, all the great things in my day, and, trust me, I sleep like a sweet baby angel. And when you feel yourself cringing at like a compliment or somebody celebrating you because you certainly deserve it you know that compliment or that gift lean on this mantra and remind yourself to shift into gratitude. It may feel awkward at first, in fact, I promise it will feel awkward at first, but with a bit of repetition and a bit of practice, you will feel more and more comfortable as the gifts start to flow into your life and I don't mean this from like a woo woo place. This isn't about manifestation. This is about living in your truth of you being awesome. That's just a fact. There's nothing I can do about it.

Speaker 1:

Now that we are rooted in gratitude and self love, let's dig in a little bit more to today's theme, which is learning to receive. Today, we're going to dive into a topic that might hit close to home the art of receiving. If you're a people pleaser, you're probably familiar with the cringy struggle of gracefully accepting compliments or a gift, or even a helping hand. But fear not, moderino. In today's topic review, I'm going to dig up the reasons behind this challenge. Plus, we're going to discover the empowering path to embracing the beautiful gift of receiving, because grace looks good on everyone and we are worthy of life's many, many gifts. Let's get good at the art of receiving. Picture this You've just received a compliment about your incredible work on a project.

Speaker 1:

Was your work incredible and you know it? Sure, but instead of basking in the glow of appreciation which, despite popular belief, is not conceited you find yourself deflecting the praise or downplaying your achievements and putting water in your awesomeness, deluding it or even attributing your success to luck. Does this sound familiar? Because I've totally been there. Compliments actually used to give me a physical reaction, like I was starting to think that I was allergic to compliments. I mean not really, but kind of like I just didn't know how to take them.

Speaker 1:

And people pleasers in particular often struggle with receiving for a variety of reasons. It could be rooted in a deep-seated belief that putting others first is virtuous, or perhaps there's a fear of appearing conceited or egotistical or selfish For the cause. The inability to receive can lead to or worth, yet confirm feelings of unworthiness and stop the development of a healthy and loving and gorgeous relationship with yourself. And why would you want to miss out on that? But good thing you're here. We got this. For me it was a worthiness thing. I knew I worked hard, I knew I did a good job, but I didn't believe it and I felt kind of embarrassed that other people could see it. And let's just dig in to find out a bit more about that.

Speaker 1:

Let's look at the uncomfortable side of not receiving. When the ability to receive is interrupted and you're not alone I was very handicapped with this for a very long time we find ourselves caught in a cycle of emotional constriction, blocked closed for business. The refusal regardless of what level of consciousness you feel this way to accept compliments, gifts or help becomes a self-imposed barrier. You block the flow of positive energy flowing into your life and it's time to unblock that damn. Those beavers are not invited. This self-imposed resistance not only reinforces feelings of inadequacy, aka lies, but also limits our capacity for genuine connection, relationships both with ourselves and with other people. They become strained as the inability to receive denies the reciprocity essential in healthy bonds. So here today, we're going to be here to reinforce the truth that you deserve all that positivity. So let's keep digging, thank you.

Speaker 1:

An important principle that we want to address right out of the gate is that welcoming positivity into your life is key. When we resist, we miss out on the nourishment, those vitamins that come from shared moments of joy. That's right. Vitamin positivity is part of a healthy diet, all the good stuff we inherently deserve. Ultimately, the absence of this vital skill the skill of receiving with gratitude and grace is outright, robbs us of the richness that life is here to offer, when all we have to do is get good at the simple act of embracing and allowing the kindness that surrounds us to be part of us.

Speaker 1:

Let's take a moment to think about how it feels when receiving becomes a challenge. You might find yourself caught in a loop of discomfort or anxiety or even guilt when faced with kindness or appreciation. Maybe you're not used to it, maybe you didn't get a lot of it, maybe you don't currently get a lot of it, so it feels kind of foreign when it shows up. It can even go so far as to limit how you perform because you want so badly to avoid any recognition or praise. Ew, gross, no more. Let's unpack how to get back into our lane of worthiness. Here's a few scenarios that might sound maybe a bit familiar.

Speaker 1:

If compliments become a source of anxiety, if you ever received a compliment and felt like an immediate urge to deflect it or pass on the credit onto somebody else, the discomfort of accepting praise can be a telltale sign of a struggle with receiving, if gifts feel like a burden. So instead of joyfully accepting the gift, looking someone in the eye and saying thank you, you may find yourself overwhelmed by thoughts of reciprocating or worrying that you're not deserving of such generosity. And we're here to put those feelings in the garbage. But don't worry, we'll replace them with something better. And maybe you're feeling a reluctance to seek help. So people pleasers will often find it challenging to ask for help, even when they truly need it.

Speaker 1:

There's this fear of inconveniencing other people or being perceived as a burden that is completely not aligned with a people pleaser, and it's a really hard hurdle to navigate, and understanding the roots of these feelings is really the first step towards transforming the way you approach receiving. So why do we struggle Like? That's kind of the how we struggle, but why? Well, sometimes fear of being seen as selfish is what prevents us from actually receiving. So people-pleasers will often prioritize the needs of others, as is in the name, and there's a fear that acknowledging your own desires or accepting praise may be perceived as selfish.

Speaker 1:

And it's essential to realize and recognize a couple of things Number one, that receiving does not diminish your generosity. And two, it complements it. And then digging into your low self-worth, which, once again, we are slowly moving into the past version of ourselves. These deep-seated feelings of unworthiness are real and it can make it difficult to accept compliments or gifts Now remembering that you are deserving of love, of kindness and all the good things that life has to offer. So, in a world where we're conditioned to prioritize others, remember to put yourself back in that top spot. Society, or even the way that you were raised, can often glorify selflessness.

Speaker 1:

I know that was my environment growing up, and growing up as a people-pleaser, you might have been conditioned to believe that putting yourself first is somehow wrong, and it's time to challenge this narrative and embrace the importance of self-care. And that's why you're here and that's not to say that you were taught wrong or have been going down the wrong path. The fact is is that it's taken you this far and you're simply ready to move in another direction. And that's growth, honey, and you're allowed. This isn't about burning the bridge that got you here. It's about looking forward to where you want to go.

Speaker 1:

Now let's shift gears a bit and explore some practical tips to help you become a more graceful receiver. So now I've got five tips for embracing the art of receiving. Number one practice mindfulness. You'll see this at the top of a lot of my lists. Be present and in the moment when receiving compliments or gifts, allow yourself to fully absorb the positive energy and let go of any thoughts that diminish your worthiness. Remember this may feel a bit different or weird at first, but getting used to good things can take some time. Number two flip that narrative. Instead of viewing receiving as a selfish act, see it as an opportunity to strengthen connections and create a more balanced exchange of energy in your relationships.

Speaker 1:

Rejecting someone's generosity will actually cause a rift between you and that relationship you have with the other person. So keep that in mind. Challenge negative thoughts when you catch yourself deflecting praise or resisting a kind gesture. Just pause and challenge the negative thoughts. Remind yourself that accepting love and kindness is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your open heart. And you've got to start small. Then, by accepting compliments gracefully, a simple thank, you can go a really long way in reshaping your relationship with receiving. As you become more comfortable, gradually extend this practice to other areas of your life.

Speaker 1:

And, number five, redefine self-worth. Acknowledge that your worthiness is not contingent on constant giving or perfection. Place your imperfections and recognize that receiving is a beautiful aspect of the human experience. Your journey to self-love begins now, darling, you are worthy of love, of kindness and all the beautiful things that life has to offer. Embracing the art of receiving is not a selfish act. It's a powerful step towards creating a healthy and loving relationship with your fine self. So let go of the fear, banish the guilt, bring your heart to the incredible joy that comes from gracefully accepting the gifts of life.

Speaker 1:

And with that, moderinos, I will leave you to go. Take on the world as your best and most gorgeous self and, if you're hearing me for the first time, welcome you, gorgeous human. Thank you so much for being here. It has been a pleasure spending this time with you, and if you want more, you can just check my show notes and do some browsing around and find all the fun, cool tips and tricks available in the Mojo Mastery universe.

Speaker 1:

Now, before I let you go, just remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. You don't have to change overnight. And, number two, you are deserving, you are enough and your capacity to receive is a testament to the boundless love that lives inside you. It's already there. Cheers to a future filled with open hearts, genuine connections and a deep, unshakable love for yourself. Starting now, cheers to you and the beautiful art of receiving. Be sure to tune into the next episode, where we dig into the art of living mindfully, getting off autopilot, turning down the volume on the noise of the future and the past, and getting good at dropping into the now and being present to receive all it has to offer. So until next time, stay awesome, and with that, I definitely wish you a gorgeous day, peace, love and Mojo Toodaloo kangaroo Mwah.

Learning to Receive
Embracing Self-Love and Mindfulness for Receiving