Pocketful of Mojo

Get Cozy with Compassion to Transform Your Self-Talk

February 15, 2024 Steph Season 1 Episode 4
Get Cozy with Compassion to Transform Your Self-Talk
Pocketful of Mojo
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Pocketful of Mojo
Get Cozy with Compassion to Transform Your Self-Talk
Feb 15, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4

Shoot me a text! Iā€™d love to hear what you think šŸ˜€

More Mojo Magic:


Have you ever caught yourself being your own worst critic? This episode is a warm embrace for anyone looking to replace the inner critic with a cheerleader. I take you on a journey toward self-compassion, sharing insights on how nurturing our internal dialogue with kindness can be a game-changer for our personal growth and resilience. It's about treating ourselves with the same empathy we'd shower on a good friend. We're often harsh on ourselves for the tiniest slips, but I'm here to remind you that choosing compassion over criticism can profoundly elevate your well-being and the way you interact with the world.

Then, we touch upon how this mantra of compassion extends beyond the individual and can lay the foundation for the well-being of our society. Kindness, empathy, and interconnectedness aren't just buzzwords; they're the building blocks of a compassionate community. As I share these thoughts, I also give you a glimpse of what's coming up next: embracing the art of receiving. Whether it's gifts, feedback, or compliments, we'll delve into understanding our own worthiness. So join me for this heartwarming episode that promises to infuse your day with a bit more peace, love, and that irresistible mojo. Toodaloo kangaroo!

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 2KCNDKUNWE45BHIO

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Daily Mojo: https://www.instagram.com/most_stephinately/
Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

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Shoot me a text! Iā€™d love to hear what you think šŸ˜€

More Mojo Magic:


Have you ever caught yourself being your own worst critic? This episode is a warm embrace for anyone looking to replace the inner critic with a cheerleader. I take you on a journey toward self-compassion, sharing insights on how nurturing our internal dialogue with kindness can be a game-changer for our personal growth and resilience. It's about treating ourselves with the same empathy we'd shower on a good friend. We're often harsh on ourselves for the tiniest slips, but I'm here to remind you that choosing compassion over criticism can profoundly elevate your well-being and the way you interact with the world.

Then, we touch upon how this mantra of compassion extends beyond the individual and can lay the foundation for the well-being of our society. Kindness, empathy, and interconnectedness aren't just buzzwords; they're the building blocks of a compassionate community. As I share these thoughts, I also give you a glimpse of what's coming up next: embracing the art of receiving. Whether it's gifts, feedback, or compliments, we'll delve into understanding our own worthiness. So join me for this heartwarming episode that promises to infuse your day with a bit more peace, love, and that irresistible mojo. Toodaloo kangaroo!

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 2KCNDKUNWE45BHIO

Support the show

More Mojo: https://linktr.ee/moststephinately
Daily Mojo: https://www.instagram.com/most_stephinately/
Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to your new favorite podcast, pocket Full of Mojo, where you're you and I'm Steph, and we tune in here to tap into some mojo. Each and every episode you hear is made with love and good intention to share with you some delicious nuggets of inspiration and insights, with some wit and wisdom, to help you stay connected to your very best mojo. In today's episode, we're going to dig into the mantra du jour and reflect on how we can be a little bit kinder to ourselves and unpack the carry on that is self compassion, the essential accessory on this crazy trip called life. We're going to dig into what's stopping us, what compassion is and what it's not, and how we can fill her up to build more resiliency and connect to our emotional compass to keep us going in the right direction. I know you've got a gazillion podcasts to choose from, so my heart bursts with gratitude that you're here. So you stick around and I'll make sure you're glad you did. Let's get started with today's mantra and get tuned in, tapped in and turned on. Hello and welcome to episode four of pocket full of mojo. I'm Steph, I'm going to be your hostess and mojo maven today, and I'm so glad you're here. Have you done something different with your hair? You look great. Seriously, you're glowing, my friend. Now, without further ado, let's pull today's random mantra from my random mantra generator and look at what will guide us through our day and our week. Drum roll, please.

Speaker 1:

I choose compassion over criticism. Hmm, good one. Ooh, I like this one. I choose compassion. Hmm, compassion, it is a choice that we make. Compassion builds bridges between people and it fosters a sense of shared community and it connects us on a deeper level. It really transcends our differences and it creates the sense of unity and it's really an essential part of a life with harmony. I choose compassion over criticism. Compassion really encourages self-awareness and empathy and a broader perspective on life. When we extend compassion to others, we often find that it boomerangs back and it enriches our own lives and helps us contribute on our own journey and helps us really discover more about ourselves. I choose compassion over criticism. This applies to compassion for myself as much as it does offering compassion to other people. I mean I deserve to show myself compassion and understanding because this life she's full of errors and blunders and mistakes and missteps and, girl, she's a wild ride, but without compassion it can be really bumpy and leave bruises. So compassion just helps cushion that blow and it makes us more resilient and more confident and gives us an ability to get back up and keep going even when it's hard. I choose compassion over criticism. Compassion is where we really learn and criticism is where we affirm right and like we leave very little room to grow or learn anything new, either about ourselves or something that someone else is doing or saying. But criticism is really limiting, it's stifling and it's short-sighted and it's really easy to do. But sometimes the right thing to do is also the hard thing to do and we know we are capable. I choose compassion over criticism.

Speaker 1:

I invite you to carry this one around with you today and every day this week and really observe the conversation that you're having with yourself regularly. Are you showering yourself with compassion? It's really a good indicator of the compassion that you show the world and the compassion that the world shows you. So if your heart on yourself, do not be surprised when the world is hard on you. Sorry friend, showing up with some softness isn't the worst thing in the world. Taking time to understand a different viewpoint is where growth happens and where we can truly observe our greatness. I always used to say you don't have to agree with me, just take the time to understand. What a powerful message, because I know I want to live in a world that's driven by love and compassion, but, just like pretty much everything, it has to start with me. Compassion is a choice and I choose compassion over criticism.

Speaker 1:

Now that we are rooted in compassion, we will go out into the world purse first with love and understanding, and let's shift our view from the window to the mirror and really look at compassion as it relates to how we treat ourselves. That's right. Let's try showing ourselves some of the compassion that we show others, and the ripple effect is going to be amazing. So today we're going to look at the how two when it comes to radiating that love. You show the world, but shine inward and see what happens when we can change our outlook in the very best way. Welcome to the ever uplifting world of self care, where the path to unlocking your ultimate potential begins. Today I'm diving head first into the world of self compassion, the secret sauce for a life filled with joy, growth and all around radiance. That's right. We're going to look at how you treat you and listen hard to that voice in our head and make sure it's singing the right song. Let's look at the why behind the wow, unpacking self compassion. Before we kick off this adventure, let's take a second to explore why self compassion is the ultimate game changer.

Speaker 1:

Imagine treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you offer your best friend, that warm, fuzzy feeling that whatever you need, I got you kind of feeling. That is the essence of self compassion. Imagine treating yourself that way. How glorious would that feel. So let's dig into it.

Speaker 1:

So, first things first, being kind to yourself. Are you a pro or no? And why is it so darn challenging to extend the sweet benevolence to our own fine cells? Let's dig into it Like. Let's take an example. Picture this You're out in the world being fabulous, you don't know how to do it any other way, and all of a sudden, for no reason, you drop your phone. But it happens. But instead of a comforting like, oh, it's okay, accidents happen. You berate yourself how could I be so clumsy? Oh, I'm so stupid. Sound familiar.

Speaker 1:

We've become masters at being our own worst critics and are often really quick to do so, even when the situation doesn't call for it. Sometimes we become so used to it we hardly notice we're even doing it. But remember, words have power. Words matter, even the ones we don't say out loud. But, steph, how am I supposed to just change like that? For sure, this is a behavior that we learn and it's going to take some unlearning and awareness. But listen, it's all very doable, I promise. So here's a how to guide on cultivating self compassion like a pro. Let's unwrap the gift of self compassion with a bow of understanding and a sprinkle of mojo mastery magic.

Speaker 1:

Here are five key ingredients when it comes to building self compassion into your way of being and, as usual, it starts with mindful reflection. Number one begin your path by turning inwards. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on your thoughts and your feelings without judgment. This is the key. It's like a daily chat with your inner cheerleader. That's the person we want to talk to. Really dial into your inner voice, and this will eventually become a practice, but taking mindful time to check in can be really powerful. Number two speak your truth. What do you want your truth to be? It doesn't have to be reflected in your reality today. Here's what I mean by that. For example, if you're used to talking to yourself with a bit of spice and haven't quite built up your positive self talk yet. That is okay. You can use positive affirmations to counteract the negative self talk, like when the inner critic whispers doubt. Shout back with the affirmation like I am capable or I deserve love and kindness. I can do this. I'm not stupid for dropping my phone and this is why I have daily mantras on my most definitely Instagram page. These daily affirmations are there to offset, quiet and outright eliminate any headspace for negative self-talk. You'll know what affirmations and mantras resonate with you because there'll be a line with where you're going, even if it's not reflected in the way things are right now.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna celebrate imperfections because when you look in the mirror, the only thing to say is dang, you're fine Because perfection is overrated. Some say it doesn't even exist. Others say that perfection is loving every single thing about you, every single thing. So, no matter your definition, embrace the quirks and the imperfections because they make you uniquely. You Remember, even the moon has craters and she's still stunning. We are often reminded how our imperfections are found on the outside, but that's simply putting value on the wrapping paper. We are filled with inner and outer perfection and a little inventory of your own awesome can go a really long way. Your imperfections are what make you perfect, darling. They're what make you you and set you apart from the rest, and that is a good thing, because no one can be you. That is your gift Practicing those self-love rituals.

Speaker 1:

So, whether it's a cozy cup of tea, a brisk walk in nature, a soothing bubble bath, binding rituals that nourish your soul can change the game. These acts of self-love are non-negotiables. On your journey to Mojo Mastery, I promise, making sure you don't wait until you need them is really the key to good self-care. Making these treats a common practice will help keep your cup full. And a bonus hot tip let that show go, because forgiveness is what Freedom.

Speaker 1:

We are all human. We are prone to mistakes. Forgive yourself for past missteps and let go of that heavy baggage. A lighter load allows you to soar higher. You don't need anyone's permission. You don't need anyone's. Okay, if that bag's not yours, put it down.

Speaker 1:

Let's pivot for a minute and dig into the compassion conundrum. Why do we struggle? Now let's tackle this million dollar question. Why do we find it easier to offer compassion to others than to ourselves? Well, here's three reasons that I've come up with.

Speaker 1:

Number one society. Society often applauds achievement, and creating an environment where self-compassion is often mistaken for weakness. So it's time to break free from these chains and celebrate the self-compassion as a strength. Who's with me? The inner critic or the inner saboteur? This relentless symphony of our inner critic plays harder and louder than any external applause. If your inner critic plays louder than any other song in your head, you're not alone. The challenge here is to get your own groove by turning up the volume on your self-love playlist. Remember, girl, you're the DJ. Give her.

Speaker 1:

Something else that might be holding us back is the fear of narcissism. Many fear that self-compassion might morph into self-absorption, and that's a lie. It's also a perception of someone else's projection, which is another way of saying that it's nonsense. So here's the truth Genuine self-compassion fosters empathy for others, creating a ripple effect of kindness. When a candle uses its flame to light another candle, the first light doesn't get dimmer. You just now have twice as much light. Protect your light, share your light. Well, why is self-compassion the key to unlocking your Mojo Mastery? Because, dear Mojo Master, you are the only captain steering your ship. When you treat yourself with kindness, you set the stage for a life filled with joy and purpose and boundless potential, and no one is holding you back. So here's your Mojo Mastery Challenge Set a daily reminder to practice self-compassion, do it, go on your phone or your agenda and make a note.

Speaker 1:

It could be a simple affirmation or a moment of mindful breathing. Consistency is key and the results are life-changing. I personally got an app, actually when I was at my lowest and I knew that the scrambled brain wasn't giving me the right information, and so this app just had a positive affirmation. Pop up about every hour with an affirmation or mantra, and remember that the mind is like a computer, and the more good data we put in there, the more we are operating on a positive affirming, uplifting information, and so the world follows. And before I knew it, I had my negative self-talk and derailing thoughts fully evicted from my mind and I was back in the driver's seat of self-compassion.

Speaker 1:

I want you to befriend your inner cheerleader. Your inner cheerleader is ready to rally for you. Always Nurture that relationship when challenges arise and they will let your inner cheerleader lead the way. You don't have to make the cheerleader your whole personality, but it should be a constant vibe when it comes to how you talk to yourself. We have both a cheerleader and a jerk that lives in our brain. It's up to us who we promote and who we encourage. Who are you going to listen to? Pro tip the jerk is a liar.

Speaker 1:

Do some mojo journaling. Create a mojo journal to document your self-compassion journey. Reflect on the changes you observe, the challenges you conquer and the moments of pure, unadulterated self-love To really amp up your progress. Observe the times where your inner critic or negative self-talk crept in and you are able to identify and change course. Recognize these wins and small changes that we make can amount to huge progress as we learn to rewire our brains.

Speaker 1:

As you embark on this mission, watch how self-compassion unlocks the gates to your most authentic self. Say goodbye to people pleasing tendencies and hello to radiant self-image. Sounds good, right? You are deserving of love, of kindness and boundless joy, and this is the work that will get you there. Remember you hold the brush to paint the masterpiece that is your life, with compassion as your guiding star. This year is bound to be the year that your mojo reaches its peak and with that, mocharrinos, I will leave you to go. Take on the world as your best, most gorgeous self and, if you're hearing me for the first time. Welcome you, gorgeous human. I'm Steph, and it has been really great spending this time with you, and if this is your jam, you can get even more. Check the show notes for all the cool links that will take you to more mojo mastery.

Speaker 1:

So before I let you go, remember we choose compassion over criticism. It's good for your health. There is a lot in this life that we cannot control, but we do control how we speak to ourselves and how we show up in the world, and these two things are very related. Compassion is the heartbeat of humanity. The importance of empathy, kindness and interconnectedness is not only good for you, but for your relationships both with yourself and with the world, and I know that I want to live in a society where understanding and love are the heart of everything, and it all starts with you. Be sure to tune into the next episode, where we dig into the art of receiving, whether it's a gift, constructive feedback or a compliment. We'll tap into the value of seeing our own worthiness and how to go from cringe to cool when life's gifts come our way. So until next time, stay awesome, and with that, I definitely wish you a magical day Peace, love and mojo. Toodaloo kangaroo Mwah.

Choosing Compassion Over Criticism
Choosing Compassion, Art of Receiving