Pocketful of Mojo

Crafting Your Life with Bold Self-Embrace

February 01, 2024 Steph Season 1 Episode 2
Crafting Your Life with Bold Self-Embrace
Pocketful of Mojo
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Pocketful of Mojo
Crafting Your Life with Bold Self-Embrace
Feb 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2

Shoot me a text! I’d love to hear what you think 😀

Are you ready to fall in love with the person you're becoming? Let's embark on that journey together! I'm Steph, and I've got an electrifying conversation lined up about the sheer power of self-love and the incredible transformations personal development can spark in your life. Today, we're not just talking about climbing the career ladder; we're talking about elevating your whole self. Prepare to confront the barriers that might be stalling your progress—like the false security of being 'too busy' or the deceptive coziness of comfort zones—and discover the bravery inside you to welcome new chapters.

Embrace the Mojo reboot, your personal one-page launchpad into a world where positivity reigns supreme week after week. My current subscribers will tell you—it's an email you'll actually look forward to! In this session, you'll not only find inspiration but also practical steps to sign up for the seven-day Mojo makeover. Think of it as picking up the paintbrush to create your life's most stunning masterpiece. Treat yourself to a transformation that's tailored to you, one that aligns with your deepest values and dreams. Grab hold of your unique power and paint the life you've always imagined.

For More Mojo Magic - Check this out!

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 2KCNDKUNWE45BHIO

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Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

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Shoot me a text! I’d love to hear what you think 😀

Are you ready to fall in love with the person you're becoming? Let's embark on that journey together! I'm Steph, and I've got an electrifying conversation lined up about the sheer power of self-love and the incredible transformations personal development can spark in your life. Today, we're not just talking about climbing the career ladder; we're talking about elevating your whole self. Prepare to confront the barriers that might be stalling your progress—like the false security of being 'too busy' or the deceptive coziness of comfort zones—and discover the bravery inside you to welcome new chapters.

Embrace the Mojo reboot, your personal one-page launchpad into a world where positivity reigns supreme week after week. My current subscribers will tell you—it's an email you'll actually look forward to! In this session, you'll not only find inspiration but also practical steps to sign up for the seven-day Mojo makeover. Think of it as picking up the paintbrush to create your life's most stunning masterpiece. Treat yourself to a transformation that's tailored to you, one that aligns with your deepest values and dreams. Grab hold of your unique power and paint the life you've always imagined.

For More Mojo Magic - Check this out!

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 2KCNDKUNWE45BHIO

Support the show

More Mojo: https://linktr.ee/moststephinately
Daily Mojo: https://www.instagram.com/most_stephinately/
Mojo Website: https://moststephinately.godaddysites.com/

Music from #Uppbeat

Speaker 1:

Welcome to your new favorite podcast, pocket Full of Mojo, where you're you and I'm Steph, and we tune in here to tap into some mojo. Each and every episode you hear is made with love and good intention to share with you some delicious nuggets of inspiration and insights, with some wit and wisdom, to help you stay connected to your very best mojo. In today's episode, we're going to start at the top. We'll dig into today's mantra, then dive right into a topic that we also normally hear about in a professional context a personal development plan. Now for everyone, not just executives. That's right. We're going to unlock the mojo mastery that has been waiting for you. Your time is now, my friend, and if you're like most professionals, you're familiar with a development plan. But this time, instead of developing a plan to use your skills and talents to make someone else's dreams come true, we're going to shine a light on you and set the stage for you to redirect some of that energy where it's needed most on you. So let's settle in. Get started with today's mantra so we can get tuned in, tapped in and turned on. So today's mantra is drumroll, please. I love ooh, I love the I love mantra. I love who I am becoming. This is a good one. I love who I am becoming. This roots me in the now and really acknowledges the me that I am now and gives a wink to the fact that change is constant. I love who I am becoming because we are constantly in a change of flux, and this bears witness to the fact that we are aware and in love with the process. I love who I am becoming. Not only are we aware, but we are moving forward into this becoming with intention and not just hoping for the best. I love who I am becoming. Oh, with each step forward, I am falling in love with a resilient and evolving masterpiece that is me. I love who I am becoming, leaning into this path of self discovery. I'm going to use this when I look in the mirror and look wherely in my gorgeous eyes and say I love who I am becoming, because I've learned that I adore the fact that every day I get to wake up is another day I get to fall in love with who I am becoming. See how this beautiful cycle works. I love who I am becoming. So I invite you to carry this one around with you today or this week and as you catch yourself doing something great I'm sure there's going to be lots of examples of that or maybe learning something new. Or reflecting on these great new habits that you're forming. Say to yourself I love who I am becoming.

Speaker 1:

And now onto our main dish, for today we're going to talk about how to ignite your mojo, a guide to unleashing your potential. Today we're diving into the vibrant world of personal growth, where the only limit is the sky and your potential is as boundless as your spirit. So buckle up as we dive into why neglecting personal growth is so last season and how you can flip the script on how to become the hero of your own story, because who else would you put that in charge of, seriously? So let's unpack the neglect conundrum. I love that word.

Speaker 1:

So why do we push our personal growth to the back burner? Well, let's picture this Life is a bustling carnival and sometimes we get caught up with the dazzling lights and the yummy food and the merry-go-round of responsibilities that we forget to check in on our own carousel that is still constantly spinning. Neglecting your personal growth often starts for a variety of reasons. So number one the illusion of busyness. So if you're anything like me or grew up in North America, we wear busyness like a badge of honor, neglecting the fact that personal growth is the secret sauce that makes every other aspect of our lives shine.

Speaker 1:

The truth is is that, if we look closely, we spend a lot of time doing things that we think we should be doing and living up to the expectations that we think are important. But if we look at our own value system, it's not always a match. This is where the exhaustion comes in. So if we're living and working out of our alignment with our own value system, we're spending our time and our energy on things that don't actually propel us forward. Another trap is the comfort zone. That cozy cocoon of comfort feels, so, you know, comfortable.

Speaker 1:

So stepping into the unknown territory of personal growth can be a bit daunting. But, trust me, this is where the magic happens, and we also may have some preconceived notions around what personal development looks like. So things like TV, movies and good old society can lead us to believe that we have to wait to get sick before we can work on getting better, and that limiting belief is often at the heart of why we wait. Then you got your superwoman or your superman syndrome, because we're superheroes in our professional lives, in our family lives, but when it comes to personal development, we often forget to don our capes. So it's time to realize that being the hero in your story is the greatest adventure of all.

Speaker 1:

I spent several, many years putting together development plans for myself, for others, and I was really quite successful. If I do say so myself, the only trick to that is is that the aim and the goal of those development plans was to take my skills and talents and make someone else's dreams come true. Nowhere in those development plans were my dreams or my aspirations outside of work. So what does personal growth look like anyway? Well, personal growth is not a one size fits all scenario. It's a bespoke journey tailored to your dreams and aspirations. It's embracing change.

Speaker 1:

Growth starts with, first and foremost, being open to change, whether it's learning a new skill or adopting a healthier lifestyle or finally tackling that passion project. Listen, change is hard. It's also constant, but mindful change takes courage. But here's the thing you already have that courage. I promise you do. It may take some digging to get to it, but when you look at how far you've come, to get where you are now, you'll see how capable of change you already are. Mindful self-reflection. So taking a pause to reflect on your journey, celebrating the wins and learning from the setbacks.

Speaker 1:

Personal growth is a dance with your self-awareness. Sure, why change? You don't have to. You're doing fine, right. Let me ask you, is fine good enough for you? Like forever? Yeah, we can do better. So let's think about how you got here. What you've always done has served you up to this point, but if you want to be somewhere different, you'll have to try something new. Doesn't that sound exciting? And what if it all turned out great? What if small changes that are at the center, focused on you, resulted in a level up in your life where you're the main character? While that may sound uncomfortable at first and a little far away from where you are now, sit with the thought for a minute until it feels right, until it fits. You're worthy, my friend, of getting where you want to go and being who you want to be. Come on, it's about setting bold goals.

Speaker 1:

Growth is about dreaming big and setting goals that can scare you a little. I know Sounds weird, right? It's in those audacious dreams that you're going to find the roadmap to your extraordinary self. There's no dream police that are going to come and tell you that you can't. There's usually some thing in our silly monkey brains where it kicks in and starts to hold us back. But, as it turns out, the big dreams come true when we stop listening to that voice and start listening to the wisdom that's already inside of us that inspired the big dream in the first place. What you want belongs to you. Your commitment to your dreams is only limited by you. I'm here to remind you that you are the main character.

Speaker 1:

Why prioritizing personal growth can be a game changer is what we'll talk about next. Imagine your life is a blockbuster movie and you're the lead role, and when you prioritize personal growth, you get the director's chair as well and create a narrative that's gripping and inspiring and just for you, and here's why that matters. Number one it elevates your self image. Investing in your personal growth is like upgrading the resolution on your self image. Suddenly, you can see yourself in 4K, realizing the incredible potential that you have, which leads to unleashing your potential.

Speaker 1:

Neglecting your personal growth is like keeping a superhero in disguise. Unleash your potential and watch yourself soar to new heights and do things that you never thought was possible, which leads to freedom from people pleasing. As you prioritize your personal growth, you eventually break the chains of people pleasing. Your authenticity becomes the guiding light, attracting those who love you for you. Energy can only go to one place at a time. Time spent on yourself is time you're not spending serving others, and that's OK. And you know what it's more than OK. It's time to make some space for some self-compassion, because in the quest for personal growth, self-compassion is the unsung hero, the key ingredient, one might say. It's about being your own biggest cheerleader, understanding that the path might be messy but it's uniquely yours. So here's how to infuse some self-compassion into your journey.

Speaker 1:

Number one celebrate the progress, not perfection. Progress is a path, not a destination. Celebrate every single step forward, no matter how small, and little by little you can watch your confidence bloom. Number two learn from the setbacks. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, see them as opportunities. You can learn from them, pivot into different directions. Each stumble is definitely a stepping stone to better things. And number three give yourself a daily dose of some self-love, crying out loud. Incorporate self-love rituals into your routine, whether it's a morning affirmation or an evening gratitude practice, these rituals anchor you and give yourself some compassion.

Speaker 1:

So to tie this all together, I've got three Mojo mastery challenges for you. Number one dream big and act bigger. I want you to set three bold goals for the year. It's still pretty early in the year and it doesn't matter if it's November there will be another year. So what you got to do from there is just break them down into actionable steps, and you just have to do one at a time, and each achievement is a celebration of your growth.

Speaker 1:

Number two start a Mojo journal. This can be a document of your personal journey. Reflect on your wins, jot down your aspirations. When a dream pops into your head, write it down and let these pages become a testament to your ever-evolving amazingness. And number three a self-compassion check-in. Each and every day, just check in with yourself. Ask yourself hey self, how can I show myself some compassion today? And it might be a simple act of giving yourself a pep talk in the mirror or an act of kindness, but make it a daily ritual and make it all about you.

Speaker 1:

So let the Odyssey begin. And with that I say here's to you, here's to a year filled with growth, self-love and the exhilarating adventure of becoming the best version of you. Your Mojo awaits. Are you ready to unleash it? I definitely think so. I can't wait to see how your world shifts as you get back to your rightful spot Right on top. And with that, mojo Reno's. I will leave you to go take on the world as your fabulous best self. And if you're hearing me for the first time, I welcome you, you gorgeous human. I'm Steph and it's been really nice to meet you.

Speaker 1:

And if this is your jam, you can get even more of this good stuff, starting with my Mojo reboot. One-pager game-changer I'm just gonna call it what it is and from there you'll be signed up for my weekly magazine, and that will bring all the love right into your inbox. I know an email that you actually want to open is true, it's happening. Just ask my subscribers. They love it. So check the links in my show notes and snoop around, check out the journals, sign up for a seven-day Mojo makeover. You do, you. And there you have it. Fellow seekers of greatness, as we wrap up this part of your empowering journey, always remember the masterpiece is still in progress and you are the artist wielding the brush. Embrace, repeat, own and embody this mantra I love who I am becoming and you can watch your life transform into a canvas of endless possibility. So until next time, keep evolving, keep loving and keep becoming that extraordinary force of nature that you are, stay inspired, stay unstoppable. But for now, toodaloo, kangaroo, peace, love and mojo.

Igniting Your Mojo
Embracing Transformation and Empowerment